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xander9: teh 1337357 |-|4><0R

Hello Everyone,

Just a heads-up to anyone that was on a little bit ago when that douchebag xander9 got on and started threatening everyone.  A minute or 2 after I banned him, my computer inexplicably crashed.  Now, he claimed to be able to wipe people's boot sectors lol, but obviously not the case, as I am now on my computer writing this.  It seems more like it was  simple ping flood or something (like I always used to do to my college roomate for fun hehehe).  Anyway, since he got my IP he may have yours if you were on then.  As I said apparently he must not be as 1337 as he thinks, because he didn't accomplish anything besides making me turn my computer back on. But just so you know.  But, this should be fine because I got his IP and traced it back to his ISP (his internet provider) and emailed their support department for network abuse, explaining the situation and that he was obviously violating their terms of service by maliciously abusing the services they provide him.  So he wont have internet much longer.  I'll post the replies i get from them. Should be entertaining.
