What Items Are Renewable?
I am the great item gatherer. I have an almost unlimited supply of every item in the game...so I got to thinking. Which items are truly endlessly renewable? I came up with the following list...I know there's some discrepencies, for example, ghast tears (too difficult to harvest), gold nuggets (again, no reasonable traps), Magma Cream (No trap) and Feathers (you have to kill the birds, meaning you have to find them...non renewable, though you just need to find 1 bird for infinite eggs in theory). Click the link below to see the full list:
- Logs
- Planks
- Wood Slab
- Wood Steps
- Sticks
- Stone Plate
- Door
- Workbench
- Chest
- Trapdoor
- Fence
- Gate
- Ladder
- Sign
- Bowl
- Boat
- Wood Sword
- Wood Axe
- Wood Pick
- Wood Hoe
- Wood Shovel
- Saplings
- Apples
- Charcoal
- Torches
Sugarcane Farm:
- Sugarcane
- Sugar
- Paper
- Books
- Bookshelves
- Pumpkins
- Jack-o-Lanterns
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Melon Slices
- Melons
- Melon Seeds
- Wheat
- Seeds
- Bread
- Cactus
- Cactus Green Dye
- Cactus Green Wool
Spider Trap:
- String
- Wool
- Bed
- Painting
- Spider Eyes
- Bow
- Fishing Rods
- Fish
- Cooked Fish
Skeleton Trap:
- Arrows
- Bones
- Bonemeal
- Dandelions
- Dandelion Yellow Dye
- Yellow Wool
- Roses
- Rose Red Dye
- Red Wool
- Orange Dye
- Orange Wool
- Lime Dye
- Lime Wool
- Pink Dye
- Pink Wool
Zombie Trap:
- Rotten Flesh
Red Mushroom:
- Red Shrooms
Brown Mushrooms:
- Brown Shrooms
- Mushroom Soup
- Fermented Spider Eye
SnowGolem Trap:
- SnowBalls
- Snow Blocks
Blaze Trap:
- Blaze Rods
- Blaze Powder
Mega Spawner:
- Gunpowder
Nether Wart:
- Nether Wart
- Eggs
One Response to “What Items Are Renewable?”
Iron will be renewable now using the iron golems although it will be a very very slow way of getting it