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With all the adjustments that came with beta, seems trees were surf's biggest challenge


2010-12-21 16:44:43 [INFO] <surfrock66> clearly the tree growing algorithm changed.  These won't grow.


2010-12-21 16:54:06 [INFO] <surfrock66> these trees have 5 space ABOVE the saplings, are bathed in light, are on dirt...

2010-12-21 16:54:15 [INFO] <surfrock66> not a single 1 growing


2010-12-21 17:16:15 [INFO] <xhair> Is it just me or does coal and iron seem a lot more rare?

2010-12-21 17:16:19 [INFO] <surfrock66> yes.

2010-12-21 17:16:23 [INFO] <surfrock66> and trees grow slower


2010-12-21 17:37:34 [INFO] <surfrock66> trees take FOREVER to grow


2010-12-22 17:48:49 [INFO] <xhair> Reed grows sooo fast

2010-12-22 17:48:53 [INFO] <carian94> i got lucky and found 6 earlier

2010-12-22 17:48:57 [INFO] <surfrock66> all the plants doo

2010-12-22 17:49:03 [INFO] <xhair> Somebody took like 4 stacks of reed

2010-12-22 17:49:04 [INFO] <IMGArY> hi

2010-12-22 17:49:05 [INFO] <surfrock66> except trees


2010-12-21 15:13:01 [INFO] <surfrock66> these won't grow :(

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