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Pictures from Limitless Builder Day Competition #1

I'd like to congratulate Merijnwouda and Pirate06 on their incredible buildings. Judging will begin promptly but, for now, leave your vote for which building you think is best in the comments (edit: or in the opinion poll).

Merijnwouda Pirate06

[poll id="16"]

Additional Pictures coming soon....

    8 Responses to “Pictures from Limitless Builder Day Competition #1”

  1. wilsonfam Says:

    i vote for the one in the middle.

  2. LightningMan00 Says:

    I like the ones on the left, but idk whos it is

  3. King_Of_Karpathia_Ethan Says:

    I VOTE FOR MINE! If not the top left!

  4. cncr04s Says:

    left, isnt there a poll option in the post creator dashbord thingy

  5. EpicBlob Says:

    lol @ how many votes pirate has :p

  6. Landon Flaniken Says:

    both of them are great!

  7. EpicBlob Says:

    yeah. pirate I think you should change your skin to hercules and take a screen shot.. that would be pretty awesome :D

  8. sbrough10 Says:

    Ok, so it’s pretty obvious that Merijnwouda won this round (sorry Pirate), but I’m gonna keep posting pictures and stuff in the mean time, while we work on round #2. Anyone want in?

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