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These 2 Weeks!

I have in-laws in town for this week and next week so I haven't been on to play. Kermit offered to hold the trials since I'm crazy busy. Are you guys interested in that? I'll be back more often after next weekend...it's Overjoyed_Worm (and my wife's) parents in town to visit :)

    8 Responses to “These 2 Weeks!”

  1. Zeeco Says:

    Sure, nothing againts Kermit holding the trials :)

  2. sbrough10 Says:


  3. Rtkermit Says:

    Sounds good I will have everything organized by tonight

  4. phantom admin Says:

    i will be back one day. :(

  5. Zeeco Says:

    Good :D, post it here when you’re done organizing it :P

  6. Shuggadugga Says:

    In-laws? Good luck!

  7. Morate Says:

    Sounds great! On another note, who the hell is Phantom Admin???

  8. Gorg Says:

    that’d most likely be Gold

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