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The UberGrinder is COMPLETE.

I FINALLY finished the ubergrinder. It's insane. However...people often ask if it spawns slimes.

I present to you the following evidence:

    5 Responses to “The UberGrinder is COMPLETE.”

  1. Morate Says:

    That’s great, Surf/Joe! I have gotten much gunpowder from that grinder. So tell me, does it spawn slimes?

  2. wilsonfam Says:

    but will it blend?

  3. pirate06 Says:

    Im guessing the answer is yes :D but only with slime spawn eggs :p looks good, its been nice knowing this server, wonder how long it will take before a carastrophic failiure occurs?

  4. Morate Says:


  5. petrispier Says:

    No it should be griefer creeper invasion

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