Chat stuff.
So I've been fucking around with special chat characters...and I discovered some neatness.
This is sort of documented, but it's complicated. For each type of text, you have to type a special character before it, I only know the windows one. It's "&". looks like it only works for admins...looking into that.
- &0 = Black Text
- &1 = Dark Blue Text
- &2 = Dark Green Text
- &3 = Dark Aqua Text
- &4 = Red Text
- &5 = Purple
- &6 = Light Orange Text
- &7 = Light Grey Text
- &8 = Dark Grey Text
- &9 = Blue Text
- &a = Green Text
- &b = Light Aqua Text
- &c = Orange Text
- &d = Pink Text
- &e = Yellow Text
- &f = White Text
- &k = Scrambley
- &l = Bold Text
- &m = Strikethrough Text
- &n = Underlined Text
- &o = Italic Text
- &r = Reset All Formatting
Reference: Minepedia