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New Owner: MrsPinkin

Hey everyone, we all talked about staffing and have some announcements that will be made in the next few days. MrsPinkin is gonna be promoted to owner :D

Just some background to the decision; now that the server will be hosted locally, not only will he be a big help to me in-person if something goes wrong, but his house has fiber internet so if my internet blows it'll go in at his house. Additionally, he's got a strong tech background (he works technical support for Apple) and will bring a lot to the back-end functioning of the server.

Everyone congratulate him!

Show Some Skin: Surfrock66 and MrsPinkin

We have some good ppl that make and use some epic skins, so why not show them? In case any of you didn't know, you can always look at someone's skin by typing this in your address bar: http://www.minecraft.net/skin/[username].png. To start the series off, take a look at the skin I've been using forever:

You would be able to access that at http://www.minecraft.net/skin/surfrock66.png. While we're at it, here's my wife's (MrsPinkin) skin: