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Help wanted!!

hey guys/gals from Teh3l3m3nts.com

As you may know, I'm building an underground train system but, it got too much for me and Kat(Thaum,Oktariini) to handle it on our own. I've been digging the tunnels and Kat has been building the stations. Our latest tunnel is waaaaay to big to dig on my own and there is a even bigger tunnel planned!

So here is my question:

Which of you guys wants to help me dig the tunnels?All the ores you will encounter are for you to have.

I'm currently discussing a decent reward for you hard work(besides your name on the" Board of Heroes!")

Email me if you want to help: boukebrink@gmail.com

Greets BoukeBrink,

PS for extra information click this link: http://www.teh3l3m3nts.com/?p=3268

BoukeBrink’s Nuclear Plant

You know what spawn city has been lacking? Electricity! Fortunately, BoukeBrink decided to build us a nuclear power plant to solve the problem. He sent me some in-progress pictures to post: