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Tubbellebunk trial

UPDATE: Trial 11/10 morning, 8AM Eastern Time, BE THERE :D


VERDICT HANDED DOWN: Based on the evidence provided by cncr04s, we can see that many ppl opened the chest including known griefers. Sb was right in that tubblebunk opened it, and it's really hard to find specific things in the logs because they're HUGE. cncr has a script that can crawl logs a bit easier, so he was able to find more evidence more quickly. Based on that, tubblebunk can't be held guilty alone for anything other than OPENING the chest. We brought up that he's been accused before of griefing, but he came to us proactively and asked for the compromised acct to be banned. Weighing the evidence, we found him NOT GUILTY and untarded him. We gave him a stern warning tho, as this is the 2nd accusation, if there's another stealing and his name is tied to the chest suspicions are going to be raised. We told him to keep his nose clean and his head down.

Tubbellebunk (a.k.a. Premium) was banned on November the 5th under suspicion of buglary and destruction of property. The following is evidence of the theft.

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Polls About Trials!

Now that the chaos of updating to 1.8 is mostly over, there's several people who have asked for trials. I am gonna post some logs about each of their banning, and then include a poll asking if they should have a trial, and if so would you support them coming back. I warn you, this is gonna be a HUGE post.

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Many of you probably remember audr09, our favorite admin-turned-griefer that eventually got banned, but then became the first member to get "tarded." He pops in every once in a while to say hi, and came on the other night and clearly confessed to his deeds. Here's his tale, in his own words!

2011-08-24 17:15:46 [INFO] audr09 logged in with entity id 805436 at ([world] 19981.1875, 64.0, 41.6875)
2011-08-24 17:15:48 [INFO] audr09 the tard: ethan
2011-08-24 17:15:59 [INFO] KingOfKarpathia_Ethan: wat tard
2011-08-24 17:16:04 [INFO] audr09 the tard: watch your mouth
2011-08-24 17:16:11 [INFO] KingOfKarpathia_Ethan: oscars a hover
2011-08-24 17:16:14 [INFO] KingOfKarpathia_Oscar: sorry tard!
2011-08-24 17:16:26 [INFO] audr09 the tard: its cool
2011-08-24 17:16:39 [INFO] audr09 the tard: seriously, where is everyone? is it just you two online?

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Banned History List Available!

Surf here, and I wanted to post a new website feature. If you look on the sidebar, there's a link to the banning history on this server. I've combed through ALL the logs we have, going back to December, and captured every /ban we've issued, even the funny ones. Check the list and enjoy, I'll try to keep up with it!

A German Evil Genius?

2011-02-17 11:09:32 [INFO] MrGoldstar1 logged in with entity id 5106068
2011-02-17 11:14:41 [INFO] <MrGoldstar1> surf what is BFG?
2011-02-17 11:14:49 [INFO] <surfrock66> butt fucking germany
2011-02-17 11:14:53 [INFO] <surfrock66> similar to bfe
2011-02-17 11:14:59 [INFO] <surfrock66> which is butt fucking egypt
2011-02-17 11:15:00 [INFO] <porjos> lol
2011-02-17 11:15:01 [INFO] <MrGoldstar1> YOU BFA
2011-02-17 11:15:17 [INFO] <surfrock66> bfe means really far away
2011-02-17 11:15:17 [INFO] MrGoldstar1 issued server command: tp mrgoldstar1 porjos
2011-02-17 11:15:17 [INFO] MrGoldstar1: Teleporting mrgoldstar1 to porjos.
2011-02-17 11:15:21 [INFO] <surfrock66> "I parked in bfe"
2011-02-17 11:15:25 [INFO] surfrock66 issued server command: kick MrGoldstar1

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