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Spawn Reformation Project 2011

Herow. Well it seems we're keeping the map! However, I thought of a badass idea to appease myself and others with the decision to not do a map reset...

Re-do Spawn! That's right, I'm relinquishing control and property to anyone that wants it after I demolish stuffs. I want to divide spawn up into plots of land, and have everyone build something at spawn. The process is going to take awhile...just taking the church down took over an hour...but whenever it does, it'll be sweet.

If you wanna help with this...there are certain guidelines you have to follow:

1) No demolishing or altering stuff unless I give you permission...there are some buildings which aren't mine, and some which I want to keep for historical purposes.

2) To prevent rampant mis-use of the "give" command...do not spawn yourself tools or TNT for the project. I will give you the tools you need for the process :D

It's going to be a Renaissance for Spawn!


    4 Responses to “Spawn Reformation Project 2011”

  1. AUDR09 Says:

    OFF TOPIC: When are the pvp events? And can I participate?

  2. carian94 Says:

    Good idea, but the area under spawn looks like swiss cheese!

  3. porjos Says:

    Yeah Ian…I was thinking about that earlier lol.

    It was swiss cheese before when spawn was at its golden age…I think we’ll just declare the bottom of spawn “Public Domain” maybe reserve it for the MOST EPIC train station ever…I’m talking trains to everywhere…-25k, Gullonia, Porjos Island, etc

  4. surfrock66 Says:

    At least most of the train tracks to the complex locations are laid :D

    And Audr…no idea, kermit is planning it.

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