skin contest!
so we have a fight coming up this Saturday and other team stuff in the works and im looking for team skins. Thy could be a full skin or something you could past over your current skin and need to be see-able on someone in full armor but would still be cool looking without armor.
the colors we need are red,blue,green, and yellow. I'm going to search around some more and if you guys could get on that, that would be awesome.
Well i think ill close it up as no one else expressed interest in making a set. So take a look and vote on what one we should use for events. try each one out and then choose.
skins are after the brake.
ok so the first stuff is in. thanks to gorghoppurr. blue is admin/owners and red is members. so lets throw them on and try them out.
this set is from MrGoldstar1. the skins let us be a better class of monster when we fight it out. we're only out to kill each other, we don't have to be UNCIVIL about it...
this set is from me and its made to be seen when in full armor and look like flames when not wearing armor.
this set is from Bustacapps after what seem like a week of waiting :D so suit up in your (ninja clothes?) and fight it out in as stealthy way as possible while wearing bright colors.