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PVP fail

   Hey everyone it's rtkermit here. Unfortunately the PVP battle did not go as planed( no one listened cough BUSTA) but it was the first battle so it's not a big deal. Like everything else we learn from our mistakes. Also I failed to communicate properly with everyone and didn't talk on skype so today I bought a mic. So i would like to say sorry to everyone.But Apparently Wilson had a CTF match that went successful so least something went right. 
   Even though the battle didn't go as planned we have an awesome ice arena at 50k that was created by me ,ebicblob, wangsta,Gorg, and my friend Nike. So if anyone has any good ideas for using the arena for future events just contact me at knicks303@aol.com or ask me in game.
  I also would like to have a future PVP battle but I need everyone to listen in order for it to go as planned. I am not sure about the date so i ask everyone please to post the time/date that would best for you (especially owners please).
 Thank you for your time,

    16 Responses to “PVP fail”

  1. sbrough10 Says:

    Pat, I just want to make one thing clear. The reason that most of the ops didn’t “listen” is because
    1) There were no members so the pvp battle was clearly not happening
    2) You wouldn’t get on skype with us so that we could chat more effectively
    3) the only thing that you actually said was “QUIET”, “FUCK”, and “OMG”

    As it is, the first time for a big event like this never go at all as planned

  2. T00MZ Says:

    Another reason I feel was wrong with the PVP fight was the lack of members,but also members ability to get back into the arena. We had to wait to be tped back into the fight. I would recommend but not sure if you can do this is that portal mod, were you can use nether-portals to teley into certain areas(the arena). So yeah that’s my 2 cents pce

  3. rtkermit Says:

    Thank you for repeating what I said and the battle could have gone as plan if one of you wanted to switch teams but no one listen but as u said and I said too this first time event like this happened so it shouldn’t go perfectly

  4. wilsonfam Says:

    ya i ran a successful ctf game and i wasn’t even there for it. i was out have a water fight with some hawt chicks. im just that f***ing awesome. :D smiley

  5. rtkermit Says:

    No one leaves date, LIKE I ASKED!!!

  6. BustaCapps Says:

    I like how you singled me out in your post. EPIC fail Kermit! EPIC fail! Wasnt listening to what? You never explained the layout or the rules for the event… If you would like to try again, please hang up and post rules on the blog. Also, this whole thing started bc you were wanting to show how bad ass the members are and that they deserve more abilities, yet 2 members showed up. Not not what i would call a flashmob. :D
    Lotsa <3, Busta

    ps. CTF was AWESOME!!!! GJ WILSON!

  7. Nikewarrior Says:

    i would love to have a chaos time again.
    dont single out busta though cause,everyone was just spawning shit and burn cmding haha.

  8. LandonStrikesAgain Says:

    Yes. The PVP was not meant to be Admins/Owners vs. Members/Admins/Owners. You clearly said it was Admins/Owners vs. Members. I would love to try this again but try to get more members please.

    CTF worked to perfection. It was a lot of fun and we can go even farther with ideas to improve it.

    – Landon

  9. rtkermit Says:

    Don’t hate player hate the game, admins. Lol I know it’s my fault I singled out busta because he was killing me when I was getting tp there

  10. surfrock66 Says:

    For the record…next time we can play with all admins/owners, me vs. everyone. Just saying.

  11. surfrock66 Says:

    As long as I can have lava.

  12. surfrock66 Says:

    And tnt.

  13. surfrock66 Says:

    And /spawnmob Creeper

  14. surfrock66 Says:

    And /item GoldenApple

  15. rtkermit Says:

    Go for it surf. T00mz toke u 1v1 and u lost 5-1 haahahah

  16. MrGoldstar1 Says:


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