So, a minecraft server is a java .jar program, which is a cross-platform executable. If you wanna be really pure about it, the way to start a minecraft server is the following command:
java -server -Xmx3400M -jar craftbukkit-1.3.2-R1.0.jar nogui
What that is doing is saying "Run a java program, allocate it 3.4GB of RAM, it's a .jar file which is a library of multiple .java files, here is the archive's name, and run it without the user interface.
Nevertheless, this won't actually work. On a linux machine, when you initiate a process like this server, you have to keep the window open to keep the process alive. So, if I'm on my work computer, and the server goes down, and I log in and restart it, then go to close my work computer down...the server dies until I restart it. What NEEDS to happen is to initiate a program and then disconnect from it, and that is done primarily with the linux command "screen." You should read the whole description for that here. What your'e doing is creating like a virtual screen which is running the server process, then we can connect and disconnect from that screen from other places. It allows the server to run on its own.
So, we could initiate the server now with the following command:
screen -dmS Bukkit java -server -Xmx3400M -jar craftbukkit-1.3.2-R1.0.jar nogui
This command uses 3 flags, -dmS, which basically say "kill any existing screens using the name Bukkit, then make a new one with the name Bukkit, and in that screen run the start server command." From in here, you can run the command "screen -x Bukkit" and re-attach to that screen, or from inside the screen "ctrl+a ctrl+d" to go back out to the main command line. Also, from the command line, we can type "screen -dr Bukkit -p 0 -X stuff "$(printf "say I Am Poop\r")"" to send the command "say I Am Poop" which prints "I Am Poop" in game, and that can be used to send any command in-game without being logged into the console.
Still, there's issues with that. Let's say IMGArY started the server, and I didn't know it, so I accidentally kill his version and log everyone out, then start it over. It's messy...what you'd have to do is pull a list of existing screens with "screen -ls" and if it's active, connect to it, and if not, start it. That's not very tidy. What's better is a script, that runs the check for existing screens, and if it finds one, connects to it, and if not, starts it. But what if the name of the server executable changes, like with a new version of bukkit? Ask a whole series of what-ifs and you come up with a pretty decent server-running script that does everything you want. We didn't write this, and cnc made some mods to it, but for the most part it's how it was when we found it:
Spoiler Inside |
SelectShow> |
#!/bin/bash # version 5.0.3 (04.01.2012) # Author: Tealk @ #
# Configuration
DIR1="/var/bukkit" NAME1="Bukkit" DESC1="teh3l3m3nts Minecraft Server" BKUPWORLD1="1" WORLDNAME1="world" BKUPNETHER1="1"
DIR2="/home/minecraft/rp" NAME2="mcserverrp" DESC2="Minecraft RP Server" BKUPWORLD2="1" WORLDNAME2="world" BKUPNETHER1="1"
DAEMON="java" PARAMS="-server -Xmx3400M -jar" SERVERMOD="1" MODJAR="craftbukkit-1.3.2-R1.0.jar" PARAMS2="nogui"
# DO not EDIT DATE=$(date +%d.%m.%y-%H.%M)
# End of configuration
RESTARTS1() { STOPS1 && STARTS1 || exit 1 }
RESTARTS2() { STOPS2 && STARTS2 || exit 1 }
SAYS1() { if [[ `screen -ls |grep "$NAME1"` ]]; then screen -S "$NAME1" -p 0 -X stuff "$(printf "say $say1\r")" sleep 1 else echo "$DESC1 seems to be offline" fi }
SAYS2() { if [[ `screen -ls |grep "$NAME"2` ]]; then screen -S "$NAME2" -p 0 -X stuff "$(printf "say $say2\r")" sleep 1 else echo "$DESC2 seems to be offline" fi }
SCREENS1() { if [[ `screen -ls |grep "$NAME1"` ]]; then screen -r "$NAME1" else echo "$DESC1 seems to be offline" fi }
SCREENS2() { if [[ `screen -ls |grep "$NAME"2` ]]; then screen -r "$NAME2" else echo "$DESC2 seems to be offline" fi }
RRB() { if [ "$SERVER" = "2" ]; then STOPS1 && STARTS1 && STOPS2 && STARTS2 || exit 1 else STOPS1 && STARTS1 || exit 1 fi }
STATUS() { if [ "$SERVER" = "2" ]; then if [[ `screen -ls |grep "$NAME1"` ]]; then echo "$DESC1 is online" else echo "$DESC1 seems to be offline" fi if [[ `screen -ls |grep "$NAME"2` ]]; then echo "$DESC2 is online" else echo "$DESC2 seems to be offline" fi else if [[ `screen -ls |grep "$NAME1"` ]]; then echo "$DESC1 is online" else echo "$DESC1 seems to be offline" fi fi }
UPDATE() { if [ ! -d "$BKUP" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP" fi if [ "$SERVER" = "2" ]; then MULTISERVER_UP else SINGLESERVER_UP fi if [ "$RESTARTSERVER" = "yes" ]; then echo "Server up tp date please restart server now!!" else echo "Server have no Updates, no restart necessary" fi exit 1 }
SERVERSTART() { if [[ `screen -ls |grep "$NAME"` ]]; then echo "found running process: $DESC" echo "Dont start the Server twice" exit 1 else if [ "$UID" = "0" ]; then echo WARNING ! For security reasons we advise: DO NOT RUN THE SERVER AS ROOT for c in $(seq 1 5); do echo -n "!" sleep 1 done echo ! fi echo "starting the $DESC" if [ -e "$DIR" ];then if [ -x "$DIR" ]; then cd "$DIR" if [ ! -x $DATA ]; then echo "$DATA is not executable, trying to set it" chmod u+x $DATA else if [ "$SERVERMOD" = "1" ]; then echo "Starting... \" $NAME $DAEMON $PARAMS $MODJAR \"" echo "This may take a minute..." screen -dmS $NAME $DAEMON $PARAMS $MODJAR else screen -dmS $NAME $DAEMON $PARAMS minecraft_server.jar $PARAMS2 fi fi else echo "No such directory: $DIR!" fi fi fi }
SERVERSTOP() { if [[ `screen -ls |grep "$NAME"` ]]; then echo -n "Stopping $DESC" echo screen -dr "$NAME" -p 0 -X stuff "$(printf "save-all\r")" echo "30 Second Warning." screen -dr "$NAME" -p 0 -X stuff "$(printf "say Server will restart in 30s !\r")" sleep 20 echo "10 Second Warning." screen -dr "$NAME" -p 0 -X stuff "$(printf "say Server will restart in 10s ! Please dissconnect \r")" sleep 10 screen -dr "$NAME" -p 0 -X stuff "$(printf "stop\r")" echo "Sopping Server wait 60 Seconds" sleep 60 screen -r "$NAME" -p 0 -X quit echo " done." cat "$DIR"/server.log >> "$DIR"/full_server.log rm -rf "$DIR"/server.log else echo "Coulnd't find a running $DESC" fi }
SINGLESERVER_UP() { echo "Backing up current binaries..." cd "$DIR1" tar -czf "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz plugins/* craftbukkit.jar server.log mv "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP" if [ "$BKUPWORLD1" = "1" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" fi tar -czf "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$WORLDNAME1"/* mv "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP" fi if [ "$BKUPNETHER1" = "1" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" fi tar -czf "$NAME1"_nether-"$DATE".tar.gz "$WORLDNAME1"_nether/* mv "$NAME1"_nether-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1"/ fi if [ "$CRAFTBUKKITUPTODATEB" = "1" ]; then echo "Downloading Bukkit..." screen -dr "$NAME1" -p 0 -X stuff "uptodate update" screen -dr "$NAME1" -p 0 -X stuff $'\n' until [ -e "$DIR1/bukkit_update/download.ready" ]; do for c in $(seq 1 5); do echo -n "." sleep 5 done if [ -e "$DIR1/bukkit_update/" ]; then break BUKKITUP="fail" fi done echo ! if [ -e "$DIR1/bukkit_update/download.ready" ]; then BUKKITUP="ok" fi fi if [ "$CRAFTBUKKITUPTODATEP" = "1" ]; then echo "Downloading Plugin Updates..." screen -dr "$NAME1" -p 0 -X stuff "uptodate plugin" screen -dr "$NAME1" -p 0 -X stuff $'\n' until [ "$PLDMC1" = "ok" ] && [ "$PLDMC2" = "ok" ]; do if [ -e "$DIR1/bukkit_update/plugins/plugin.ready" ]; then PLDMC1="ok" elif [ -e "$DIR1/bukkit_update/plugins/" ]; then PLDMC1="fail" fi for c in $(seq 1 5); do echo -n "." sleep 5 done if [ "$PLDMC1" = "fail" ]; then break fi done if [ "$PLDMC1" = "ok" ]; then echo "Copy updates in the plugin Folder? (yes/no)" read pcopy if [ "$pcopy" = "yes" ] ; then if [ "$BUKKITUP" = "ok" ] ; then echo "Update Bukkit..." cp "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/craftbukkit.jar "$DIR1" chmod 777 "$DIR1"/craftbukkit.jar else echo "No Bukkit Update" fi echo "Update $DESC1 Plugins..." cp -r "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.jar "$DIR1"/plugins/ echo "done" PLCP1="ok" RESTARTSERVER="yes" else echo "Updates are in the $DIR1/bukkit_update/plugins Folder" fi else RESTARTSERVER="no" fi fi if [ "$CRAFTBUKKITUPTODATEB" = "1" ] && [ "$CRAFTBUKKITUPTODATEP" = "1" ]; then echo "Cleaning temporary Plugins" rm -f "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/craftbukkit.jar "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/ "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/download.ready rm -rf "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.jar "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.zip "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.html "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/plugin.ready "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/ elif [ "$CRAFTBUKKITUPTODATEB" = "1" ]; then echo "Cleaning temporary Plugins" rm -f "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/craftbukkit.jar "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/ "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/download.ready elif [ "$CRAFTBUKKITUPTODATEP" = "1" ]; then echo "Cleaning temporary Plugins" rm -rf "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.jar "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.zip "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.html "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/plugin.ready "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/ fi if [ "$BKUPOLD" = "1" ]; then echo "Cleaning old Backups" find $BKUP -type f -mtime +$BKUPOLDT -delete fi }
MULTISERVER_UP() { echo "Backing up current binaries..." cd "$DIR1" tar -czf "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz plugins/* craftbukkit.jar server.log full_server.log mv "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP" if [ "$BKUPWORLD1" = "1" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" fi tar -czf "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$WORLDNAME1"/* mv "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP" fi if [ "$BKUPNETHER1" = "1" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" fi tar -czf "$NAME1"_nether-"$DATE".tar.gz "$WORLDNAME1"_nether/* mv "$NAME1"_nether-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1"/ fi cd "$DIR2" tar -czf "$NAME2"-"$DATE".tar.gz plugins/* craftbukkit.jar server.log full_server.log mv "$NAME2"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP" if [ "$BKUPWORLD2" = "1" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME2" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME2" fi tar -czf "$NAME2"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$WORLDNAME2"/* mv "$NAME2"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP" fi if [ "$BKUPNETHER2" = "1" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME2" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME2" fi tar -czf "$NAME2"_nether-"$DATE".tar.gz "$WORLDNAME2"_nether/* mv "$NAME2"_nether-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME2"/ fi echo "done" if [ "$CRAFTBUKKITUPTODATEB" = "1" ]; then echo "Downloading Bukkit" screen -dr "$NAME1" -p 0 -X stuff "$(printf "uptodate update\r")" until [ -e "$DIR1/bukkit_update/download.ready" ]; do for c in $(seq 1 5); do echo -n "." sleep 5 done if [ -e "$DIR1/bukkit_update/" ]; then break BUKKITUP="fail" fi done echo ! if [ -e "$DIR1/bukkit_update/download.ready" ]; then BUKKITUP="ok" else echo "No Bukkit Update" fi fi if [ "$CRAFTBUKKITUPTODATEP" = "1" ]; then echo "Downloading Plugin Updates..." screen -dr "$NAME1" -p 0 -X stuff "$(printf "uptodate plugin\r")" screen -dr "$NAME2" -p 0 -X stuff "$(printf "uptodate plugin\r")" until [ "$PLDMC1" = "ok" ] && [ "$PLDMC2" = "ok" ]; do if [ -e "$DIR1/bukkit_update/plugins/plugin.ready" ]; then PLDMC1="ok" elif [ -e "$DIR1/bukkit_update/plugins/" ]; then PLDMC1="fail" fi if [ -e "$DIR2/bukkit_update/plugins/plugin.ready" ]; then PLDMC2="ok" elif [ -e "$DIR2/bukkit_update/plugins/" ]; then PLDMC2="fail" fi for c in $(seq 1 5); do echo -n "." sleep 5 done if [ "$PLDMC1" = "fail" ] && [ "$PLDMC2" = "fail" ]; then break fi if [ "$PLDMC1" = "fail" ] && [ "$PLDMC2" = "ok" ]; then break fi if [ "$PLDMC1" = "ok" ] && [ "$PLDMC2" = "fail" ]; then break fi done echo ! if [ "$PLDMC1" = "ok" ] && [ "$PLDMC2" = "ok" ]; then echo "Copy updates in the plugin Folder? (yes/no)" read pcopy if [ "$pcopy" = "yes" ] ; then if [ "$BUKKITUP" = "ok" ] ; then echo "Update Bukkit..." cp "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/craftbukkit.jar "$DIR1" cp "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/craftbukkit.jar "$DIR2" chmod 777 "$DIR1"/craftbukkit.jar chmod 777 "$DIR2"/craftbukkit.jar else echo "No Bukkit Update" fi echo "Update $DESC1 Plugins..." cp -r "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.jar "$DIR1"/plugins/ echo "done" echo "Update $DESC2 Plugins..." cp -r "$DIR2"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.jar "$DIR2"/plugins/ echo "done" PLCP1="ok" PLCP2="ok" RESTARTSERVER="yes" else echo "Updates are in the $DIR1/bukkit_update/plugins Folder" fi elif [ "$PLDMC1" = "ok" ]; then echo "Copy updates in the plugin Folder? (yes/no)" read pcopy1 if [ "$pcopy1" = "yes" ] ; then if [ "$BUKKITUP" = "ok" ] ; then echo "Update Bukkit..." cp "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/craftbukkit.jar "$DIR1" cp "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/craftbukkit.jar "$DIR2" chmod 777 "$DIR1"/craftbukkit.jar chmod 777 "$DIR2"/craftbukkit.jar else echo "No Bukkit Update" fi echo "Update $DESC1 Plugins..." cp -r "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.jar "$DIR1"/plugins/ echo "done" echo "$DESC2 have no Plugin updates" PLCP1="ok" RESTARTSERVER="yes" else echo "Updates are in the $DIR1/bukkit_update/plugins Folder" fi elif [ "$PLDMC2" = "ok" ]; then echo "Copy updates in the plugin Folder? (yes/no)" read pcopy2 if [ "$pcopy2" = "yes" ] ; then if [ "$BUKKITUP" = "ok" ] ; then echo "Update Bukkit..." cp "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/craftbukkit.jar "$DIR1" cp "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/craftbukkit.jar "$DIR2" chmod 777 "$DIR1"/craftbukkit.jar chmod 777 "$DIR2"/craftbukkit.jar else echo "No Bukkit Update" fi echo "$DESC1 have no Plugin updates" echo "Update $DESC2 Plugins..." cp -r "$DIR2"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.jar "$DIR2"/plugins/ echo "done" PLCP2="ok" RESTARTSERVER="yes" else echo "Updates are in the $DIR1/bukkit_update/plugins Folder" fi else echo "$DESC1 & $DESC2 have no Plugin updates" RESTARTSERVER="no" fi fi if [ "$CRAFTBUKKITUPTODATEB" = "1" ] && [ "$CRAFTBUKKITUPTODATEP" = "1" ]; then echo "Cleaning temporary Plugins" rm -f "$DIR1"/full_server.log "$DIR2"/full_server.log rm -f "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/craftbukkit.jar "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/ "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/download.ready rm -rf "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.jar "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.zip "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.html "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/plugin.ready "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/ rm -rf "$DIR2"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.jar "$DIR2"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.zip "$DIR2"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.html "$DIR2"/bukkit_update/plugins/plugin.ready "$DIR2"/bukkit_update/plugins/ elif [ "$CRAFTBUKKITUPTODATEB" = "1" ]; then echo "Cleaning temporary Plugins" rm -f "$DIR1"/full_server.log "$DIR2"/full_server.log rm -f "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/craftbukkit.jar "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/ "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/download.ready elif [ "$CRAFTBUKKITUPTODATEP" = "1" ]; then echo "Cleaning temporary Plugins" rm -f "$DIR1"/full_server.log "$DIR2"/full_server.log rm -rf "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.jar "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.zip "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.html "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/plugin.ready "$DIR1"/bukkit_update/plugins/ rm -rf "$DIR2"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.jar "$DIR2"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.zip "$DIR2"/bukkit_update/plugins/*.html "$DIR2"/bukkit_update/plugins/plugin.ready "$DIR2"/bukkit_update/plugins/ fi if [ "$BKUPOLD" = "1" ]; then echo "Cleaning old Backups" find $BKUP -type f -mtime +$BKUPOLDT -delete fi }
case "$1" in cron) if [ "$SERVER" = "2" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BKUP" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP" fi cd "$DIR1" tar -czf "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz plugins/* craftbukkit.jar server.log full_server.log mv "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP" if [ "$BKUPWORLD1" = "1" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" fi tar -czf "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$WORLDNAME1"/* mv "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1"/ fi if [ "$BKUPNETHER1" = "1" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" fi tar -czf "$NAME1"_nether-"$DATE".tar.gz "$WORLDNAME1"_nether/* mv "$NAME1"_nether-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1"/ fi cd "$DIR2" tar -czf "$NAME2"-"$DATE".tar.gz plugins/* craftbukkit.jar server.log full_server.log mv "$NAME2"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP" if [ "$BKUPWORLD2" = "1" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME2" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME2" fi tar -czf "$NAME2"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$WORLDNAME2"/* mv "$NAME2"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME2"/ fi if [ "$BKUPNETHER2" = "1" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME2" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME2" fi tar -czf "$NAME2"_nether-"$DATE".tar.gz "$WORLDNAME2"_nether/* mv "$NAME2"_nether-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME2"/ fi else if [ ! -d "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" fi cd "$DIR1" tar -czf "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz plugins/* craftbukkit.jar server.log mv "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP" if [ "$BKUPWORLD1" = "1" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" fi tar -czf "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$WORLDNAME1"/* mv "$NAME1"-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1"/ fi if [ "$BKUPNETHER1" = "1" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" ]; then mkdir "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1" fi tar -czf "$NAME1"_nether-"$DATE".tar.gz "$WORLDNAME1"_nether/* mv "$NAME1"_nether-"$DATE".tar.gz "$BKUP"/"$WORLDNAME1"/ fi fi if [ "$CRONBKUPOLD" = "1" ]; then echo "Cleaning old Backups" find $BKUP -type f -mtime +$BKUPOLDT -delete fi exit 1 ;;
autorr) RRB || exit 1 ;;
*) while : do clear echo " M A I N - M E N U" echo "$DESC1" echo "1. Start $DESC1" echo "2. Stop $DESC1" echo "3. Restart $DESC1" echo "4. Say on $DESC1" echo "5. Login into $DESC1" if [ "$SERVER" = "2" ]; then echo "$DESC2" echo "6. Start $DESC2" echo "7. Stop $DESC2" echo "8. Restart $DESC2" echo "9. Say on $DESC2" echo "10. Login into $DESC2" echo "Generally Options" echo "11. Restart Both" echo "12. Serverstatus" echo "13. Update" echo "14. Exit" echo -n "Please enter option [1 - 14]" else echo "12. Serverstatus" echo "13. Update" echo "14. Exit" echo -n "Please enter option [1 - 5 & 12 - 14]" fi read opt case $opt in 1) STARTS1 exit 1;; 2) STOPS1 exit 1;; 3) RESTARTS1 exit 1;; 4) echo "You are going to write on the Server:"; read say1 SAYS1 exit 1;; 5) SCREENS1 exit 1;; 6) STARTS2 exit 1;; 7) STOPS2 exit 1;; 8) RESTARTS2 exit 1;; 9) echo "You are going to write on the Server:"; read say2 SAYS2 exit 1;; 10) SCREENS2 exit 1;; 11) RRB exit 1;; 12) STATUS exit 1;; 13) UPDATE;; 14) echo "Bye $USER"; exit 1;; *) echo "$opt is an invaild option."; if [ "$SERVER" = "2" ]; then echo -n "Please select option between [1 - 13] only"; else echo -n "Please select option between [1 - 5 & 12 - 14] only"; fi echo "Press [enter] key to continue. . ."; read enterKey;; esac done esac
So, when we log into the back-end, and type "sh" it brings us to a page with a bunch of options. It's smart enough to update the system, and not let you do anything stupid to break things. I think I may do some work to clean it up when we move, but this is how it exists now.
When you pay someone to host your minecraft server, and it's someone that has a specific "run minecraft server" business, they have some sort of a website GUI that controls a lot of these commands, which is what we used to use. Remember back in the day having to wait for the host to allow us to use dev bukkit versions? It's just less control, for our purposes, running the server on a blank linux system is much better.
This entry was posted on Thursday, October 11th, 2012 at 6:49 pm by surfrock66 and is filed under Owner's Corner.
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