EDIT: Surf here, when I made kermit an author on the website I told him "Minecraft Pics Only." When he posted these, rather than pull them, I thought "let's make them minecraft related instead." I think this is a happy compromise :D
This entry was posted on Sunday, July 3rd, 2011 at 3:34 am by
rtkermit and is filed under Random.
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4 Responses to “me and nike dunk all over da pace”
Awesome, just make sure you take down the post at some point. If it’s not related to minecraft we don’t want it to clog up the forum. We had to do the same thing with Goldstar’s big ass fail blog ad too.
but i still beat you in 1 on 1 pat =)
I hereby pledge to make the pictures minecraft related.
What ever, just trying to be consistent with the rules :P