If you had an area you were working on, and you came back to find it like this....what would you assume happened?
Isn't there a word for doing stuff like this? Here's my burned down forest.
Guess someone thinks my project is a...
This entry was posted on Monday, October 8th, 2012 at 4:15 am by surfrock66 and is filed under Images.
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8 Responses to “Hmm.”
i think you were griefed….
by someone with waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much spare time
Self-griefing? We need a server psycologist, it’s official…
At first i was like OMFG!! Then I read teh comments above and was like *facepalm*
No self griefing at all….I did not do this. Someone set off a column of tnt.
DDDDAAAAMMMNNNN well it had to be a admin or owner right? :/
That still must have taken a long time for tnt even for admins and owners… at first i thought it was world edited
…Oh. Wow.
World edit? Cnc!! :P