Title Image

Griefing…And Research

UPDATE: Take a look at these 2 log snippets, that's how she rolls BITCH.

5:17:24 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: -49, 66, -62
5:17:24 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: -51, 65, -61
5:17:24 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: -52, 65, -61
5:17:24 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: -53, 66, -63
5:17:25 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: -54, 66, -62
5:17:27 :- Block burned, Block: FENCE World: ‘world’ Location: -53, 66, -62
5:17:27 :- Block burned, Block: FENCE World: ‘world’ Location: -54, 66, -61

5:33:56 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: 1, 72, 178
5:33:56 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: 1, 73, 178
5:33:56 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: 1, 72, 178
5:33:56 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: 1, 72, 178
5:33:57 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: 0, 72, 178
5:33:57 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: 0, 73, 178
5:33:57 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: -1, 73, 177
5:33:57 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: -1, 73, 176
5:33:58 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: ‘world’ Location: 2, 73, 178
5:33:58 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: 0, 72, 177
5:33:58 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: 0, 73, 177

So we were griefed and rolled back 2 hours. We have a new plugin that logs all block changes and all events. I want to post the log of when that happened, and look to everyone for when it seems like it happened. It's kind of hard to follow, it's from 10AM-11AM. (Edit: I removed a lot of it because it didn't matter)

There's lots of stuff in there, lots of those flying notices are people falling out of skyworld and stuff, it doesn't concern me at all. At 10:57, you will see what I believe to be the start of the fire. I don't see anyone there at the time. I want multiple eyes on that. For example, we can see saspringbokz96 was in noob world, so he's innocent. MattieTheSpid was at noobspawn (20k, 69, 113) right when it happened, so it's not him. Take a look:

10:50:0 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -537, 42, -739
10:50:0 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1922, 71, -1000
10:50:0 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1922, 71, -999
10:50:1 :- Block placed, i12012Y, Block: COBBLESTONE, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -217, 66, 495
10:50:1 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1923, 71, -999
10:50:2 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1923, 71, -1000
10:50:2 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1923, 71, -1001
10:50:3 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1924, 71, -1001
10:50:4 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1924, 71, -1000
10:50:5 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1924, 71, -999
10:50:7 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19710, 69, 112
10:50:8 :- Opened Furnace, i12012Y World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:50:9 :- Tried/Used command, cowgoesoink, '/home 3' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:50:11 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19710, 69, 111
10:50:15 :- Opened Furnace, saspringbokz96 World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:50:17 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19710, 70, 111
10:50:19 :- Chat, cipeon, 'btw legos and marijn found ur secret thing' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:50:19 :- Opened Chest, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19708, 69, 113
10:50:28 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: RED_MUSHROOM, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -522, 53, -738
10:50:32 :- Chat, MattieTheSpud, 'who?' on World: world
10:50:34 :- Opened Chest, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19705, 69, 113
10:50:36 :- Chat, cowgoesoink, 'its kirby' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:50:44 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -430, 63, -291
10:50:44 :- Opened Furnace, saspringbokz96 World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:50:45 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 63, -292
10:50:45 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -430, 62, -292
10:50:45 :- Chat, cipeon, 'its like legos and' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:50:49 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19710, 69, 112
10:50:49 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19710, 70, 112
10:50:49 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -430, 62, -291
10:50:53 :- Chat, Zeeco, 'They will be rewarded with 6 diamonds then :)' on World: world
10:50:54 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 113
10:50:54 :- Chat, cipeon, 'merijnwouda' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:50:56 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 64, -290
10:50:57 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 64, -289
10:50:58 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 64, -288
10:50:58 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1916, 71, -998
10:50:58 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 64, -287
10:50:58 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1916, 71, -997
10:50:58 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1916, 71, -996
10:50:59 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 64, -286
10:50:59 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 64, -285
10:50:59 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1917, 71, -996
10:50:59 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1917, 71, -997
10:51:0 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1917, 71, -998
10:51:0 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 113
10:51:1 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -430, 64, -285
10:51:1 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1918, 71, -998
10:51:1 :- Opened Furnace, saspringbokz96 World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:51:1 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1918, 71, -997
10:51:2 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1918, 71, -996
10:51:2 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -429, 64, -285
10:51:2 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1919, 71, -997
10:51:3 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -428, 64, -285
10:51:3 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1919, 71, -998
10:51:3 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -427, 64, -285
10:51:3 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -426, 64, -285
10:51:4 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -425, 64, -285
10:51:4 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1919, 71, -996
10:51:4 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -424, 64, -285
10:51:5 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -423, 64, -285
10:51:5 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1920, 71, -998
10:51:5 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -422, 64, -285
10:51:5 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1920, 71, -997
10:51:6 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1920, 71, -996
10:51:6 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -421, 64, -285
10:51:6 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 64, -285
10:51:7 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1921, 71, -998
10:51:7 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1921, 71, -997
10:51:7 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1921, 71, -996
10:51:8 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 64, -286
10:51:8 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1922, 71, -998
10:51:8 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1922, 71, -997
10:51:8 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 64, -287
10:51:8 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1922, 71, -996
10:51:9 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 64, -288
10:51:9 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 64, -289
10:51:9 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1923, 71, -998
10:51:10 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 64, -290
10:51:10 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1923, 71, -996
10:51:10 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -421, 64, -290
10:51:10 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1923, 71, -997
10:51:11 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -422, 64, -290
10:51:11 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1924, 71, -998
10:51:11 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -423, 64, -290
10:51:11 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1924, 71, -997
10:51:12 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -1924, 71, -996
10:51:12 :- Chat, cipeon, 'no they wont cause i found it' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:51:18 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -429, 63, -291
10:51:19 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -429, 63, -292
10:51:20 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: DIRT, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 69, 112
10:51:22 :- Chat, Zeeco, 'You will then' on World: world
10:51:24 :- Opened Furnace, i12012Y World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:51:25 :- Opened Furnace, saspringbokz96 World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:51:28 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: DIRT, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 112
10:51:31 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -426, 64, -293
10:51:31 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -427, 64, -293
10:51:31 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -428, 64, -293
10:51:33 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -429, 64, -293
10:51:33 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: REDSTONE_TORCH_ON, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 111
10:51:35 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: REDSTONE_WIRE, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 69, 111
10:51:40 :- Opened Chest, cipeon World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -555, 37, -701
10:51:40 :- Tried/Used command, Zeeco, '/home home' on World: world
10:51:46 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -426, 64, -291
10:51:47 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -427, 64, -291
10:51:48 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -426, 65, -293
10:51:48 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -427, 65, -293
10:51:48 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -428, 65, -293
10:51:49 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -555, 38, -701
10:51:51 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: REDSTONE_WIRE, World: 'world' Location: 19705, 69, 115
10:51:52 :- Opened Chest, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19705, 69, 113
10:52:0 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -426, 65, -292
10:52:0 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -427, 65, -292
10:52:0 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -428, 65, -292
10:52:2 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -428, 65, -291
10:52:2 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -428, 65, -290
10:52:3 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -425, 65, -290
10:52:4 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -426, 65, -290
10:52:4 :- Chat, cipeon, 'what you doing zeeco' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:52:4 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -427, 65, -290
10:52:4 :- Maybe Hacking, Zeeco Reason: Might be flying!
10:52:5 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -428, 66, -293
10:52:5 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -426, 66, -293
10:52:8 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 65, -293
10:52:9 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -429, 65, -293
10:52:9 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -430, 65, -293
10:52:10 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 66, -293
10:52:11 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -430, 66, -293
10:52:11 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -429, 66, -293
10:52:17 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 65, -292
10:52:18 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 66, -292
10:52:18 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 65, -291
10:52:19 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 65, -290
10:52:20 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 65, -289
10:52:20 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: LEVER, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 113
10:52:21 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 65, -288
10:52:23 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 65, -287
10:52:23 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 65, -285
10:52:24 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 65, -286
10:52:24 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -430, 65, -285
10:52:24 :- Block broken, MattieTheSpud, Block: THIN_GLASS, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 115
10:52:25 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -429, 65, -285
10:52:25 :- Chat, Zeeco, 'working on my farm' on World: world
10:52:25 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -428, 65, -285
10:52:25 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -427, 65, -285
10:52:26 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -426, 65, -285
10:52:26 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -425, 65, -285
10:52:26 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -424, 65, -285
10:52:27 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -423, 65, -285
10:52:27 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -422, 65, -285
10:52:27 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -421, 65, -285
10:52:28 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 65, -285
10:52:28 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 65, -286
10:52:31 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 65, -287
10:52:31 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 65, -288
10:52:31 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 65, -289
10:52:31 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 65, -290
10:52:31 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -421, 65, -290
10:52:31 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -422, 65, -290
10:52:32 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -423, 65, -290
10:52:32 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -424, 65, -290
10:52:35 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 66, -290
10:52:36 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 66, -288
10:52:38 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -431, 66, -286
10:52:39 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -430, 66, -285
10:52:40 :- Opened Chest, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19705, 69, 113
10:52:41 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -428, 66, -285
10:52:43 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -426, 66, -285
10:52:45 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -424, 66, -285
10:52:46 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 65, 496
10:52:47 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -422, 66, -285
10:52:48 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -212, 65, 497
10:52:48 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 66, -285
10:52:49 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 66, -287
10:52:49 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -212, 65, 500
10:52:52 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -420, 66, -289
10:52:52 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -216, 65, 500
10:52:52 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -421, 66, -290
10:52:53 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -423, 66, -290
10:52:55 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -216, 65, 498
10:52:55 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -425, 66, -290
10:52:57 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -427, 66, -290
10:52:59 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -428, 66, -291
10:52:59 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -209, 61, 502
10:53:0 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -210, 61, 503
10:53:1 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: SOIL, World: 'world' Location: -1717, 63, -599
10:53:16 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 69, 114
10:53:17 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 114
10:53:18 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 69, 115
10:53:19 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 69, 116
10:53:20 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 116
10:53:21 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 71, 116
10:53:22 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 71, 115
10:53:22 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 115
10:53:24 :- Death, cipeon, the death cause was 'SUFFOCATION' World: 'world/world_skyworld'
10:53:24 :- Tried/Used command, Zeeco, '/mv tp update_world' on World: world
10:53:24 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 72, 114
10:53:26 :- Respawn, cipeon
10:53:26 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 72, 115
10:53:27 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 71, 113
10:53:28 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 71, 114
10:53:31 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 113
10:53:32 :- Tried/Used command, cipeon, '/home 2' on World: world
10:53:33 :- Chat, cowgoesoink, 'lol' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:53:35 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 113
10:53:37 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 113
10:53:46 :- Chat, cipeon, 'wtf? invisible mushroom walls?' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:53:46 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -208, 56, 506
10:53:47 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -207, 56, 506
10:54:1 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 113
10:54:3 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -208, 56, 507
10:54:10 :- Chat, cowgoesoink, 'i know i told u that before' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:54:10 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19710, 69, 111
10:54:12 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19710, 70, 111
10:54:16 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -203, 54, 505
10:54:20 :- Opened Furnace, i12012Y World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:54:20 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: DIRT, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 69, 112
10:54:21 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: DIRT, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 112
10:54:23 :- Opened Furnace, i12012Y World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:54:23 :- Chat, cipeon, 'told me what' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:54:24 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: REDSTONE_TORCH_ON, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 111
10:54:27 :- Opened Furnace, i12012Y World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:54:30 :- Chat, cowgoesoink, 'nvm' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:54:32 :- Tried/Used command, Zeeco, '/home home' on World: world/world_updates
10:54:36 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -208, 55, 506
10:54:36 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -207, 55, 506
10:54:38 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: RED_MUSHROOM, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -522, 53, -738
10:54:39 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -207, 54, 506
10:54:39 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -206, 54, 506
10:54:41 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: LEVER, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 113
10:54:48 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 113
10:54:48 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 113
10:54:48 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 113
10:54:48 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 113
10:54:48 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 113
10:54:48 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 113
10:54:48 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 113
10:54:48 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -206, 52, 506
10:54:48 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -205, 53, 506
10:54:49 :- Block broken, Zeeco, Block: MELON_BLOCK, World: 'world' Location: -1598, 61, -499
10:54:51 :- Opened Furnace, i12012Y World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:54:52 :- Block broken, Zeeco, Block: MELON_BLOCK, World: 'world' Location: -1598, 61, -498
10:54:53 :- Block broken, Zeeco, Block: MELON_BLOCK, World: 'world' Location: -1599, 61, -498
10:54:55 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 113
10:54:55 :- Block broken, Zeeco, Block: MELON_BLOCK, World: 'world' Location: -1600, 61, -498
10:54:57 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -205, 54, 506
10:54:58 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 113
10:54:58 :- Block broken, Zeeco, Block: MELON_BLOCK, World: 'world' Location: -1601, 61, -499
10:54:58 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -204, 53, 506
10:55:0 :- Block broken, Zeeco, Block: MELON_BLOCK, World: 'world' Location: -1601, 61, -498
10:55:2 :- Block broken, Zeeco, Block: MELON_BLOCK, World: 'world' Location: -1602, 61, -498
10:55:3 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 113
10:55:3 :- Block broken, MattieTheSpud, Block: LEVER, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 113
10:55:4 :- Block broken, Zeeco, Block: MELON_BLOCK, World: 'world' Location: -1603, 61, -498
10:55:5 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 113
10:55:6 :- Block broken, Zeeco, Block: MELON_BLOCK, World: 'world' Location: -1604, 61, -498
10:55:8 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 113
10:55:10 :- Opened Furnace, saspringbokz96 World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:55:10 :- Opened Chest, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19708, 69, 113
10:55:11 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: SOIL, World: 'world' Location: -1604, 60, -498
10:55:11 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: SOIL, World: 'world' Location: -1603, 60, -498
10:55:12 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: SOIL, World: 'world' Location: -1602, 60, -498
10:55:12 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: SOIL, World: 'world' Location: -1601, 60, -498
10:55:14 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -522, 53, -738
10:55:14 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: SOIL, World: 'world' Location: -1601, 60, -499
10:55:14 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -521, 53, -738
10:55:15 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -520, 53, -738
10:55:16 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: SOIL, World: 'world' Location: -1600, 60, -498
10:55:16 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: SOIL, World: 'world' Location: -1599, 60, -498
10:55:18 :- Opened Furnace, i12012Y World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:55:20 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: SOIL, World: 'world' Location: -1598, 60, -498
10:55:22 :- Opened Furnace, i12012Y World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:55:22 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: SOIL, World: 'world' Location: -1598, 60, -499
10:55:25 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE_BUTTON, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 113
10:55:25 :- Chat, cowgoesoink, 'cip r u going to fin ship soon' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:55:29 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE_BUTTON, World: 'world' Location: 19710, 70, 114
10:55:33 :- Block broken, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE_BUTTON, World: 'world' Location: 19710, 70, 114
10:55:36 :- Chat, cowgoesoink, 'or do u want to make it a long thing' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:55:39 :- Chat, cipeon, 'i dont know what to do' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:55:41 :- Block placed, i12012Y, Block: CHEST, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -215, 63, 500
10:55:41 :- Opened Chest, i12012Y World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -215, 63, 500
10:55:46 :- Chat, cowgoesoink, 'kk' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:55:47 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: WORKBENCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -196, 54, 506
10:55:48 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -522, 53, -736
10:55:50 :- Opened Furnace, i12012Y World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:55:50 :- Tried/Used command, Zeeco, '/mv tp update_world' on World: world
10:55:58 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: FURNACE, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -197, 54, 506
10:55:59 :- Opened Furnace, saspringbokz96 World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -197, 54, 506
10:56:2 :- Opened Furnace, i12012Y World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:56:2 :- Opened Furnace, i12012Y World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -214, 63, 500
10:56:4 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -522, 53, -735
10:56:5 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -522, 54, -735
10:56:7 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -522, 55, -735
10:56:8 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -522, 56, -735
10:56:34 :- Opened Furnace, saspringbokz96 World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -197, 54, 506
10:56:55 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -193, 55, 509
10:57:7 :- Maybe Hacking, Zeeco Reason: Might be flying!
10:57:7 :- Block placed, i12012Y, Block: COBBLESTONE, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -209, 49, 507
10:57:24 :- Block placed, Zeeco, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_updates' Location: 2, 65, -138
10:57:25 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -210, 52, 506
10:57:25 :- Opened Furnace, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19709, 69, 116
10:57:26 :- Block placed, i12012Y, Block: COBBLESTONE, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -193, 57, 505
10:57:27 :- Chat, cowgoesoink, 'cip skype me i have an idea' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:57:29 :- Opened Chest, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19704, 69, 113
10:57:30 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -213, 48, 509
10:57:41 :- Login, pirate06, IP: /
10:57:43 :- Login, tubbellebunk, IP: /
10:57:44 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 71, 194
10:57:45 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 75, 194
10:57:45 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 74, 195
10:57:46 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -27, 71, 192
10:57:47 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 74, 195
10:57:49 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 74, 190
10:57:49 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 74, 195
10:57:49 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 74, 196
10:57:51 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 74, 190
10:57:51 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 72, 196
10:57:51 :- Chat, cipeon, 'PIRATE!' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:57:51 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -16, 73, 188
10:57:51 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 73, 191
10:57:52 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 76, 196
10:57:52 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 74, 196
10:57:52 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 73, 191
10:57:53 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 74, 189
10:57:54 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 74, 190
10:57:54 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -17, 74, 188
10:57:54 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 76, 194
10:57:54 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 75, 195
10:57:54 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -16, 74, 186
10:57:55 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -23, 77, 196
10:57:55 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 73, 196
10:57:56 :- Tried/Used command, cowgoesoink, '/home 3' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:57:57 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 72, 196
10:57:57 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 72, 197
10:57:57 :- Chat, cipeon, 'TUBBLEDUNK!' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:57:57 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 73, 191
10:57:57 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -28, 71, 192
10:57:57 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -28, 71, 191
10:57:57 :- Chat, pirate06, 'hi guys :)' on World: world
10:57:57 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -20, 73, 191
10:57:58 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 76, 196
10:57:58 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 74, 196
10:57:58 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -28, 71, 190
10:57:58 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 76, 196
10:57:58 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 73, 190
10:57:58 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -19, 73, 189
10:57:59 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 76, 190
10:57:59 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 76, 189
10:57:59 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 72, 196
10:57:59 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 72, 197
10:58:0 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 73, 190
10:58:0 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -30, 71, 192
10:58:0 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -31, 71, 192
10:58:0 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 77, 197
10:58:0 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -20, 75, 190
10:58:0 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -20, 75, 191
10:58:0 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 77, 196
10:58:0 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -23, 77, 195
10:58:0 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -30, 73, 190
10:58:0 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 76, 190
10:58:2 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 72, 198
10:58:2 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 73, 190
10:58:2 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 73, 190
10:58:2 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -29, 71, 190
10:58:2 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -30, 71, 191
10:58:2 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -30, 71, 193
10:58:3 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -21, 75, 193
10:58:3 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 75, 196
10:58:3 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 75, 197
10:58:3 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -21, 76, 194
10:58:4 :- Tried/Used command, pirate06, '/spawn' on World: world
10:58:4 :- Chat, tubbellebunk, 'CIPEON!' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:58:6 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -29, 71, 189
10:58:6 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -29, 71, 193
10:58:6 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 73, 191
10:58:6 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -21, 74, 193
10:58:7 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -21, 76, 193
10:58:7 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -21, 75, 192
10:58:7 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -19, 74, 191
10:58:7 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 76, 197
10:58:8 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 77, 189
10:58:8 :- Opened Chest, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19683, 11, 100
10:58:9 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 72, 199
10:58:9 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -29, 71, 192
10:58:9 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -31, 71, 190
10:58:9 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -29, 71, 194
10:58:10 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -21, 76, 192
10:58:10 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 76, 197
10:58:10 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -23, 77, 197
10:58:10 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 76, 195
10:58:10 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 73, 196
10:58:10 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -21, 73, 193
10:58:10 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 77, 193
10:58:11 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 72, 198
10:58:11 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 72, 198
10:58:12 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -31, 71, 193
10:58:12 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -21, 77, 193
10:58:12 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 76, 195
10:58:12 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 76, 196
10:58:12 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 74, 197
10:58:12 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 76, 198
10:58:12 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 75, 198
10:58:12 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 76, 189
10:58:13 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 76, 189
10:58:13 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 75, 189
10:58:14 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -17, 74, 189
10:58:14 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -30, 71, 190
10:58:15 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 78, 197
10:58:15 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 76, 197
10:58:15 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -23, 76, 198
10:58:15 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 74, 196
10:58:15 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 74, 197
10:58:15 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 73, 197
10:58:15 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -30, 73, 189
10:58:15 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -28, 71, 189
10:58:15 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -30, 71, 189
10:58:15 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -29, 71, 188
10:58:15 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -22, 77, 195
10:58:16 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 76, 188
10:58:17 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 74, 198
10:58:17 :- Chat, cipeon, 'YAYZERS!' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:58:17 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -21, 74, 192
10:58:18 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -24, 77, 198
10:58:18 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 76, 195
10:58:18 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 77, 198
10:58:18 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -28, 71, 188
10:58:18 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -20, 74, 193
10:58:18 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -22, 77, 194
10:58:18 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -19, 71, 189
10:58:18 :- Chat, cowgoesoink, 'me lol' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:58:20 :- Block placed, pirate06, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -31, 63, -59
10:58:20 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 72, 189
10:58:20 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 74, 189
10:58:20 :- Block placed, pirate06, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -31, 63, -60
10:58:20 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -222, 43, 511
10:58:21 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -31, 71, 189
10:58:21 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -30, 71, 187
10:58:21 :- Block placed, pirate06, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -31, 63, -61
10:58:21 :- Block placed, pirate06, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -32, 63, -59
10:58:22 :- Block placed, pirate06, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -32, 63, -60
10:58:22 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 77, 188
10:58:22 :- Block placed, pirate06, Block: WOOD, World: 'world' Location: -32, 63, -61
10:58:23 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:23 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:23 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 73, 189
10:58:23 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 74, 189
10:58:23 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:23 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:23 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:23 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:23 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 77, 192
10:58:23 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -21, 77, 191
10:58:23 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 76, 199
10:58:23 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 79, 196
10:58:23 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 79, 197
10:58:23 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 76, 196
10:58:23 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 76, 198
10:58:23 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 72, 188
10:58:23 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 76, 188
10:58:24 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -17, 77, 187
10:58:24 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -18, 73, 189
10:58:24 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:24 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:24 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 77, 188
10:58:24 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:25 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 76, 198
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -21, 75, 194
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -21, 77, 190
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -20, 74, 192
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -18, 74, 191
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -19, 74, 192
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -20, 77, 191
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 79, 197
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 76, 196
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 74, 195
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 74, 196
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 76, 198
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 76, 199
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 73, 189
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 73, 188
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -31, 71, 188
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -30, 73, 187
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -29, 71, 187
10:58:26 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -23, 77, 194
10:58:27 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 78, 188
10:58:28 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -24, 77, 199
10:58:28 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -26, 71, 187
10:58:28 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 74, 189
10:58:29 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 79, 198
10:58:29 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 77, 197
10:58:29 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -22, 77, 197
10:58:29 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 75, 188
10:58:29 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 75, 197
10:58:29 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -18, 74, 189
10:58:30 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 79, 187
10:58:32 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -23, 77, 198
10:58:32 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 79, 197
10:58:32 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 74, 198
10:58:32 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 76, 187
10:58:32 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 79, 189
10:58:32 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -21, 74, 197
10:58:32 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -20, 74, 195
10:58:33 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 76, 187
10:58:33 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 77, 188
10:58:33 :- Chat, cowgoesoink, 'i felt lonely' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:58:34 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 76, 190
10:58:34 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 73, 189
10:58:34 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 73, 187
10:58:35 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 77, 197
10:58:35 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -20, 74, 194
10:58:35 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 79, 188
10:58:36 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 76, 187
10:58:36 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 79, 188
10:58:36 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 77, 187
10:58:36 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -23, 75, 199
10:58:36 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -23, 75, 198
10:58:37 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 72, 188
10:58:37 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 73, 190
10:58:37 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 74, 189
10:58:37 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 74, 188
10:58:37 :- Chat, Zeeco, 'Anyone like GTA?' on World: world/world_updates
10:58:37 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -19, 75, 190
10:58:37 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -21, 77, 192
10:58:37 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 76, 197
10:58:37 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 72, 196
10:58:37 :- Block burned, Block: LOG World: 'world' Location: -27, 74, 197
10:58:37 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 76, 187
10:58:37 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 75, 196
10:58:38 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 76, 186
10:58:38 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 76, 188
10:58:40 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -19, 77, 190
10:58:40 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 75, 197
10:58:40 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 72, 195
10:58:40 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 72, 197
10:58:40 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 74, 197
10:58:40 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -21, 77, 194
10:58:40 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -19, 73, 193
10:58:41 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 76, 187
10:58:41 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 79, 188
10:58:42 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -23, 76, 199
10:58:42 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 73, 188
10:58:43 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 76, 197
10:58:43 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 73, 197
10:58:43 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -28, 71, 196
10:58:45 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 74, 188
10:58:45 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 74, 197
10:58:45 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -18, 73, 193
10:58:46 :- Chat, MattieTheSpud, 'ME' on World: world
10:58:46 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 74, 187
10:58:47 :- Chat, cipeon, 'WHY AM I TALKING IN CAPITALS?!?!?!?' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:58:47 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 73, 187
10:58:47 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 73, 188
10:58:48 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 73, 189
10:58:48 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -22, 77, 196
10:58:48 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -19, 77, 189
10:58:49 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 73, 187
10:58:49 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 74, 188
10:58:50 :- Block burned, Block: LOG World: 'world' Location: -27, 72, 197
10:58:50 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 73, 198
10:58:50 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -24, 73, 189
10:58:51 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 74, 198
10:58:51 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -28, 71, 195
10:58:51 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -392, 14, -277
10:58:51 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 72, 187
10:58:53 :- Chat, tubbellebunk, 'ow hi cepeon' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:58:53 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 74, 187
10:58:53 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 73, 187
10:58:53 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -25, 71, 186
10:58:53 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: STONE_BUTTON, World: 'world' Location: 19710, 69, 116
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: be flying + sneaking while in air!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: be flying + sneaking while in air!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: be flying + sneaking while in air!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: be flying + sneaking while in air!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: be flying + sneaking while in air!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: be flying + sneaking while in air!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: be flying + sneaking while in air!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:53 :- Maybe Hacking, cowgoesoink Reason: Might be flying!
10:58:53 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 74, 198
10:58:53 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 74, 198
10:58:54 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 76, 198
10:58:54 :- Opened Furnace, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19709, 69, 116
10:58:54 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -21, 74, 195
10:58:54 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -19, 73, 194
10:58:55 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 75, 188
10:58:56 :- Block burned, Block: LOG World: 'world' Location: -27, 76, 197
10:58:56 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -23, 77, 199
10:58:56 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 72, 198
10:58:56 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -30, 71, 197
10:58:56 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 72, 197
10:58:56 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 76, 199
10:58:58 :- Chat, Zeeco, 'GTA 5 got announced :)' on World: world/world_updates
10:58:58 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 72, 198
10:58:58 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 74, 188
10:58:58 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 76, 188
10:58:58 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 76, 186
10:58:59 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -23, 77, 200
10:58:59 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -29, 71, 198
10:58:59 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 74, 199
10:58:59 :- Chat, cipeon, 'heys' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:59:0 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 74, 187
10:59:1 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 73, 188
10:59:1 :- Block burned, Block: LOG World: 'world' Location: -27, 75, 197
10:59:1 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 74, 199
10:59:3 :- Chat, cowgoesoink, 'CAUSE ITS FUN' on World: world/world_skyworld
10:59:3 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 76, 189
10:59:3 :- Block burned, Block: LOG World: 'world' Location: -27, 73, 188
10:59:3 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -26, 71, 186
10:59:3 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 73, 187
10:59:4 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 72, 199
10:59:4 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 72, 196
10:59:4 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -19, 73, 196
10:59:5 :- Opened Furnace, i12012Y World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -197, 54, 506
10:59:5 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 76, 189
10:59:6 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 72, 199
10:59:6 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -26, 71, 185
10:59:6 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 73, 186
10:59:6 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 76, 186
10:59:6 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 73, 189
10:59:7 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -23, 76, 200
10:59:7 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 74, 199
10:59:7 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 74, 186
10:59:9 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 73, 186
10:59:9 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -27, 71, 186
10:59:9 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 73, 186
10:59:9 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -24, 73, 186
10:59:9 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -24, 73, 188
10:59:9 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 74, 186
10:59:9 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 72, 195
10:59:10 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -17, 72, 194
10:59:10 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 74, 187
10:59:11 :- Maybe Hacking, Zeeco Reason: Might be flying!
10:59:11 :- Maybe Hacking, Zeeco Reason: Might be flying!
10:59:12 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 74, 187
10:59:12 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 73, 185
10:59:12 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 74, 186
10:59:12 :- Block burned, Block: FENCE World: 'world' Location: -29, 75, 184
10:59:15 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -532, 47, -720
10:59:15 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -24, 73, 187
10:59:15 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -26, 73, 185
10:59:15 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -25, 71, 184
10:59:16 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -531, 46, -719
10:59:16 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -532, 46, -719
10:59:17 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -532, 46, -718
10:59:17 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -533, 46, -719
10:59:18 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -534, 46, -719
10:59:18 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 73, 186
10:59:18 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -29, 73, 185
10:59:19 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -27, 75, 187
10:59:19 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -536, 46, -719
10:59:19 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -535, 46, -719
10:59:20 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -25, 73, 185
10:59:21 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 73, 186
10:59:21 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -30, 73, 186
10:59:21 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: LEVER, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 113
10:59:22 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 113
10:59:23 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -531, 46, -717
10:59:23 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -27, 71, 185
10:59:23 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -24, 71, 184
10:59:23 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -532, 46, -717
10:59:24 :- Block burned, Block: LOG World: 'world' Location: -27, 74, 188
10:59:25 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -533, 46, -717
10:59:25 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -534, 46, -717
10:59:25 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -25, 71, 185
10:59:26 :- Pressed lever, MattieTheSpud World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 113
10:59:26 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -535, 46, -717
10:59:26 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 74, 197
10:59:26 :- Block burned, Block: LOG World: 'world' Location: -27, 72, 188
10:59:27 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -536, 46, -717
10:59:28 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -391, 14, -277
10:59:28 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -27, 71, 184
10:59:29 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -538, 46, -717
10:59:29 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 74, 196
10:59:29 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -19, 73, 195
10:59:30 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -537, 46, -717
10:59:30 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -390, 14, -277
10:59:31 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -538, 45, -716
10:59:31 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: 'world' Location: -28, 73, 185
10:59:31 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -25, 71, 183
10:59:31 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -537, 45, -716
10:59:32 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 72, 196
10:59:32 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -18, 71, 198
10:59:32 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -18, 72, 194
10:59:32 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -536, 45, -716
10:59:33 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -535, 45, -716
10:59:33 :- Block placed, i12012Y, Block: GRAVEL, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -213, 46, 509
10:59:33 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -535, 45, -715
10:59:34 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -389, 14, -277
10:59:34 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -534, 45, -716
10:59:34 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -23, 74, 198
10:59:34 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -533, 45, -716
10:59:34 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -18, 72, 196
10:59:35 :- Block placed, i12012Y, Block: GRAVEL, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -213, 47, 509
10:59:35 :- Block burned, Block: LOG World: 'world' Location: -27, 76, 188
10:59:35 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -388, 14, -277
10:59:36 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: DIRT, World: 'world' Location: 19712, 71, 111
10:59:37 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: DIRT, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 71, 111
10:59:37 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -18, 72, 197
10:59:37 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -387, 14, -277
10:59:38 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -532, 45, -716
10:59:39 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -531, 45, -716
10:59:39 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 73, 197
10:59:40 :- Block placed, pirate06, Block: STONE, World: 'world' Location: -31, 63, -66
10:59:42 :- Block placed, i12012Y, Block: GRAVEL, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -211, 48, 509
10:59:42 :- Block placed, saspringbokz96, Block: TORCH, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -193, 61, 503
10:59:42 :- Block placed, i12012Y, Block: GRAVEL, World: 'world/world_noobs' Location: -212, 48, 509
10:59:44 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 69, 109
10:59:45 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -23, 71, 198
10:59:45 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -23, 73, 198
10:59:45 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 109
10:59:46 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -538, 46, -718
10:59:46 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -537, 46, -718
10:59:46 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -536, 46, -718
10:59:46 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -535, 46, -718
10:59:46 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -534, 46, -718
10:59:47 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -533, 46, -718
10:59:47 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -531, 46, -718
10:59:48 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: 'world' Location: -22, 71, 197
10:59:49 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -534, 47, -719
10:59:49 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -533, 47, -719
10:59:49 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -532, 47, -719
10:59:50 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -531, 47, -719
10:59:50 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -392, 14, -278
10:59:50 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -392, 14, -276
10:59:50 :- Block placed, cowgoesoink, Block: WOOD, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -391, 14, -276
10:59:50 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -21, 74, 196
10:59:51 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -17, 72, 193
10:59:51 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -17, 73, 192
10:59:51 :- Block placed, tubbellebunk, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -536, 47, -719
10:59:52 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 69, 109
10:59:52 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19711, 70, 109
10:59:53 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19710, 70, 109
10:59:53 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19710, 69, 109
10:59:54 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -18, 73, 192
10:59:54 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 69, 109
10:59:55 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19709, 70, 109
10:59:55 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -29, 71, 184
10:59:56 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19708, 70, 110
10:59:56 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -545, 39, -677
10:59:56 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19708, 69, 110
10:59:56 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: 'world' Location: -19, 72, 195
10:59:57 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19708, 69, 111
10:59:58 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: DIRT, World: 'world/world_skyworld' Location: -546, 39, -677
10:59:58 :- Block placed, MattieTheSpud, Block: PISTON_STICKY_BASE, World: 'world' Location: 19708, 70, 111
10:59:58 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -30, 71, 184
10:59:58 :- Block burned, Block: LONG_GRASS World: 'world' Location: -29, 71, 185

    26 Responses to “Griefing…And Research”

  1. surfrock66 Says:

    oh shit, jsut had a thought. If pirate and tubble were at the olympic stadium when they logged in, and then the chunks started updating…the fire may have been started before. Fire doesn’t burn unless someone has the chunk loaded. I’ll look further back.

  2. cipeon Says:

    any chance of them using a reach mod?

  3. surfrock66 Says:

    Just goin back btw…here’s a fire in noob world…Iskaner is on NOTICE BITCH:

    23:25:46 :- Block placed, Iskaner, Block: TORCH, World: ‘world/world_noobs’ Location: -17, 62, 682
    23:25:47 :- Block placed, xboxfan10, Block: CHEST, World: ‘world’ Location: 1840, 60, 908
    23:25:47 :- Block placed, xboxfan10, Block: CHEST, World: ‘world’ Location: 1840, 60, 907
    23:25:48 :- Block placed, Iskaner, Block: TORCH, World: ‘world/world_noobs’ Location: -15, 60, 680
    23:25:48 :- Opened Chest, xboxfan10 World: ‘world’ Location: 1840, 60, 907
    23:25:49 :- Block placed, Iskaner, Block: TORCH, World: ‘world/world_noobs’ Location: -14, 60, 678
    23:25:49 :- Block placed, Iskaner, Block: TORCH, World: ‘world/world_noobs’ Location: -11, 58, 675
    23:25:52 :- Block placed, Iskaner, Block: TORCH, World: ‘world/world_noobs’ Location: -7, 59, 672
    23:25:55 :- Opened Chest, Sc0rchMuffins World: ‘world’ Location: 1782, 107, 914
    23:26:0 :- Quit, xboxfan10
    23:26:8 :- Opened Chest, Sc0rchMuffins World: ‘world’ Location: 1784, 111, 914
    23:26:13 :- Opened Chest, Sc0rchMuffins World: ‘world’ Location: 1792, 111, 914
    23:26:20 :- Opened Chest, Sc0rchMuffins World: ‘world’ Location: 1799, 111, 920
    23:26:21 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: ‘world/world_noobs’ Location: -48, 17, 844
    23:26:36 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: ‘world/world_noobs’ Location: -48, 15, 844
    23:26:39 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: ‘world/world_noobs’ Location: -48, 16, 844
    23:26:42 :- Chat, Iskaner, ‘Back later, when it’s day again.’ on World: world/world_noobs
    23:26:45 :- Block burned, Block: FENCE World: ‘world/world_noobs’ Location: -42, 16, 842
    23:26:45 :- Quit, Iskaner
    23:26:47 :- Block burned, Block: FENCE World: ‘world/world_noobs’ Location: -42, 16, 844
    23:26:57 :- Block burned, Block: FENCE World: ‘world/world_noobs’ Location: -42, 15, 842
    23:27:3 :- Block burned, Block: WOOD World: ‘world/world_noobs’ Location: -42, 17, 842

  4. surfrock66 Says:

    Another interesting log…but not in the right place:

    22:42:15 :- Made fire, Sc0rchMuffins World: ‘world’ Location: 1824, 79, 915
    22:42:15 :- Block placed, Sc0rchMuffins, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: 1824, 78, 915
    22:42:17 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: ‘world’ Location: 1824, 79, 915
    22:42:18 :- Chat, pigeonsnackwrap, ‘:(‘ on World: world
    22:42:19 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: ‘world’ Location: 1825, 79, 915
    22:42:19 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: ‘world’ Location: 1824, 79, 916
    22:42:21 :- Made fire, Sc0rchMuffins World: ‘world’ Location: 1826, 78, 914
    22:42:21 :- Block placed, Sc0rchMuffins, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: 1825, 78, 914

  5. surfrock66 Says:


    22:52:6 :- Made fire, spikey202 World: ‘world’ Location: -222, 105, -212
    22:52:6 :- Block placed, spikey202, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: -222, 104, -212
    22:52:7 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: ‘world’ Location: -222, 105, -212
    22:52:10 :- Block placed, pigeonsnackwrap, Block: GLOWSTONE, World: ‘world’ Location: 39850, 97, 1633
    22:52:11 :- Made fire, spikey202 World: ‘world’ Location: -221, 104, -213
    22:52:11 :- Block placed, spikey202, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: -222, 104, -213
    22:52:15 :- Block burned, Block: LEAVES World: ‘world’ Location: -221, 104, -213

  6. surfrock66 Says:


    5:17:24 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: -49, 66, -62
    5:17:24 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: -51, 65, -61
    5:17:24 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: -52, 65, -61
    5:17:24 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: -53, 66, -63
    5:17:25 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: -54, 66, -62
    5:17:27 :- Block burned, Block: FENCE World: ‘world’ Location: -53, 66, -62
    5:17:27 :- Block burned, Block: FENCE World: ‘world’ Location: -54, 66, -61

  7. surfrock66 Says:


    5:33:56 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: 1, 72, 178
    5:33:56 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: 1, 73, 178
    5:33:56 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: 1, 72, 178
    5:33:56 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: 1, 72, 178
    5:33:57 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: 0, 72, 178
    5:33:57 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: 0, 73, 178
    5:33:57 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: -1, 73, 177
    5:33:57 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: -1, 73, 176
    5:33:58 :- Block burned, Block: WOOL World: ‘world’ Location: 2, 73, 178
    5:33:58 :- Made fire, cipeon World: ‘world’ Location: 0, 72, 177
    5:33:58 :- Block placed, cipeon, Block: FIRE, World: ‘world’ Location: 0, 73, 177

  8. Zeeco Says:

    Win! =D

  9. Morate Says:

    Here are a couple theories:
    -furnace fire (it’s possible, just VERY unlikely)
    -conflicting plugins
    -DRAGONS (awesome, but I doubt it)
    -maybe a player had a mod (shame on you)
    -actually, I have a minimap mod, so I can’t say shame on you
    -still, minimap mods aren’t against the rules!
    -turkey is tasty too

  10. Morate Says:

    dang too late
    so cipeon did it?

  11. surfrock66 Says:

    No, cipeon got busted. 2x placing fire in the correct locations. Indefensible.

    Sorry, he was a nice guy, but this is impossible to deny.

  12. Morate Says:

    he WAS nice D:

  13. Morate Says:

    so are we giving him a trial?

  14. Morate Says:

    hey surf do u have a skype?

  15. surfrock66 Says:

    No trial, yes I have skype, I never use it though because I’m constantly in and out of the room :)

  16. cipeon Says:

    Hi guys, I just wanted to say it wasn’t me personally but yeah, I know it was my account and my fault for giving some1 else access to my account and I’m really sorry for the griefing that my account has done and I’ll make sure I choose my friends more wisely next time. I know you want to treat me like dirt and that’s totally fair I just want to say you’ve been the best server I’ve ever played on and I hope you don’t get griefed anymore.
    Ps. Cow, you can’t believe how sorry I am if it was my account that burned down your house.
    Pps. Surf, continue being awesome and moderating like a true hero.
    Ppps. Pirate, I hope your project goes well and I’m sure your new series will be awesome.
    Pppps. Community, keep on crafting.

    Yours, apologetically, cipeon.

  17. pirate06 Says:

    i just want to know one thing, why? he was a nice guy, why did he do this?

  18. Zeeco Says:

    Poor dude :/

  19. Iskaner Says:

    So, could I not be banned, since I didn’t set any fires?

  20. Morate Says:

    Wow I feel like shit after reading Cipeon’s post. I think we should give him a trial… Please?

  21. Rtkermit Says:

    No shut it morate

  22. Morate Says:

    That was rude… We shall settle this with fisticuffs!

  23. ThatGuy2780 Says:

    It does say never give out your password. As a consequence he gets banned. Bad decisions.

  24. Morate Says:


  25. cipeon Says:

    Surf, I’m sorry bout the grief but it turns out that it was not my friend but a hacker, and I want to apologize as I really enjoyed your server but I was wondering if I could be unbanned and become a retard?

  26. cipeon Says:

    Oh yeah and ThatGuy2780 I didn’t give out my password I logged in at my friends house once and i didn’t click remember password and I only said it was my friend because it seemed the only logical explanation at the time so don’t go judging me ThatGuy2780

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