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Faction Survey

Hello boobs, kermit here. We are gonna have factions for 1.3, so choose 2 names and the top 3 will be our factions.

[poll id="18"]

    12 Responses to “Faction Survey”

  1. Omokisei Says:

    Can you add the PrettyPinkUnicornBubbleSparkelz?

  2. MrGoldstar Says:

    Trollia FTW!

  3. MrGoldstar Says:

    Trolls rule the world! :P

  4. Morate Says:

    Will you also add Bacon Brigade plz?

  5. surfrock66 Says:

    It’ll be 3 on this list to start, then we can expand later if needed.

  6. EpicBlob Says:


  7. Kirbyf Says:

    WALRUSES! we were an actual faction before, we deserve to be one now!

  8. rtkermit Says:

    lol kirby tht is why its there :D

  9. Morate Says:

    So should we vote even if we wont join one of these? I’ll assume so.

  10. surfrock66 Says:

    I voted and have no intention of joining a faction.

  11. KingOfThePond Says:

    …And as it turns out, the first two factions have a serious name… and the third is WALRUS!

  12. Naruto8890 Says:

    Hey I was the one who came up with the idea of the stormcloaks!!! if that actually becomes a faction i think i should have the choice to lead it!!

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