Congrats to New Owner!
Well folks, the needs of the server are always changing and growing, and it's become time to promote some new Owners.
Please join us in congratulating sbrough10 as a new owner of the server!

Well folks, the needs of the server are always changing and growing, and it's become time to promote some new Owners.
Please join us in congratulating sbrough10 as a new owner of the server!
Tags: owners, Staff
This entry was posted on Saturday, August 20th, 2011 at 1:35 am by surfrock66 and is filed under News.
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13 Responses to “Congrats to New Owner!”
congrats dude :) best wishes
GOD TIER REACHED! now go hit the books so you can do backdoor maintenance.
Boooooooo…i mean, congrats
One owner to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
Congratulations Sbrough!
Now, can we please have a trial, so I can prove my innocence?
first gimme my admin rights back, i suffered enough :(
I found this rather large complex and was wondering if anyone knew who’s it is. It has a sign on a portion that says “fort murder”.
Yay congrats good sir!
I wish I could enjoy your future rule.
But I got banned for hiding from a skelli..
((but it’s okay i guess I still had fun. ^ ^
It’s a nice server. I heard about the host problems tho, that sucks. v.v;))
Butbut.. still, Happy Congrats and stuff! <3
congrats sbrough