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Where is Morate?

So...I love making self-indulgent non-MC related posts, but I don't get a bunch of e-mails asking if I quit minecraft. NOPE! There was a recent family emergency that caused me to pack up my things and go to Arkansas. If you want to read more, click here, otherwise CARRY ON!

Which name?

I was wondering, if you know someone's real name, is it better to use that or their username? I mean, something like Kirbyf/Kirby is pretty obvious, but what about others? Surfrock66/Joe? sbrough/Stephen? pirate06/Rhys? What do you guys think?


(By the way, I'll answer to either Morate or Graham, but I prefer Morate.)

teh 3l3m3nts tf2 team!

UPDATE: we have a steam group teh3l3m3nts we can all join that to make it easier to find each other.


we have plenty of people interested now, add my steam account Thepirate (has a picture of me) and then you will be able to find everyone else through there, not long before we can be blowing each others brains out :D

ok so, wilson came up with this idea, which i loved.

those of you with team fortress 2, we wanna set up a team, if you talk to me or wilson and we can add your steam account, we are ideally looking for 7 people at least, we already have 3, myself, wilson and painkiller.

we can spread the power of teh 3l3m3nts using the power of the sandwich!


Technical Support Requested!

UPDATE: All is well, apparently I had to run Minecraft as an administrator so that I could update it. Thanks Cncr04s

I have 3 computers, 1 mac laptop, 1 mac mini desktop, and 1 windows 7 desktop. I have been able to upgrade minecraft on all three of these computers very quickly in the past, but, for some reason, minecraft refuses to update on my pc. I open it, login, and it asks me to update. If I say yes then it gets stuck at about 10% saying "Downloading content" or whatever. If I say no, it skips over every part of the loading screen and gets stuck at about 90% with "Done loading". I've managed to update minecraft on both of my mac computers just fine, but this pc is just not complying. Here are my specs:

Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)

System Manufaturer: HP-Pavilion

Processor: Intel Pentium Dual CPU E2200 @2.20GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.2GHz

Memory: 3072MB RAM

DirectX Version: DirectX 11

Let me know if any other information is needed and, if you know what problem I'm facing or if you are having the same one, please let me know.

Dear Surf…

Nobody wants to write you a letter, Surf. :(

Next week is... Pirate! E-mail your letters to grahamcfoster@gmail.com by Thursday for them to be sent.