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Many of you probably remember audr09, our favorite admin-turned-griefer that eventually got banned, but then became the first member to get "tarded." He pops in every once in a while to say hi, and came on the other night and clearly confessed to his deeds. Here's his tale, in his own words!

2011-08-24 17:15:46 [INFO] audr09 logged in with entity id 805436 at ([world] 19981.1875, 64.0, 41.6875)
2011-08-24 17:15:48 [INFO] audr09 the tard: ethan
2011-08-24 17:15:59 [INFO] KingOfKarpathia_Ethan: wat tard
2011-08-24 17:16:04 [INFO] audr09 the tard: watch your mouth
2011-08-24 17:16:11 [INFO] KingOfKarpathia_Ethan: oscars a hover
2011-08-24 17:16:14 [INFO] KingOfKarpathia_Oscar: sorry tard!
2011-08-24 17:16:26 [INFO] audr09 the tard: its cool
2011-08-24 17:16:39 [INFO] audr09 the tard: seriously, where is everyone? is it just you two online?

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With all the adjustments that came with beta, seems trees were surf's biggest challenge


2010-12-21 16:44:43 [INFO] <surfrock66> clearly the tree growing algorithm changed.  These won't grow.


2010-12-21 16:54:06 [INFO] <surfrock66> these trees have 5 space ABOVE the saplings, are bathed in light, are on dirt...

2010-12-21 16:54:15 [INFO] <surfrock66> not a single 1 growing


2010-12-21 17:16:15 [INFO] <xhair> Is it just me or does coal and iron seem a lot more rare?

2010-12-21 17:16:19 [INFO] <surfrock66> yes.

2010-12-21 17:16:23 [INFO] <surfrock66> and trees grow slower


2010-12-21 17:37:34 [INFO] <surfrock66> trees take FOREVER to grow


2010-12-22 17:48:49 [INFO] <xhair> Reed grows sooo fast

2010-12-22 17:48:53 [INFO] <carian94> i got lucky and found 6 earlier

2010-12-22 17:48:57 [INFO] <surfrock66> all the plants doo

2010-12-22 17:49:03 [INFO] <xhair> Somebody took like 4 stacks of reed

2010-12-22 17:49:04 [INFO] <IMGArY> hi

2010-12-22 17:49:05 [INFO] <surfrock66> except trees


2010-12-21 15:13:01 [INFO] <surfrock66> these won't grow :(

An Honest Farmer

2011-07-15 09:45:58 [INFO] gold: surf
2011-07-15 09:46:07 [INFO] gold: you need to make an autmoatic
2011-07-15 09:46:12 [INFO] gold: shroom farm
2011-07-15 09:46:13 [INFO] gold: :D
2011-07-15 09:46:15 [INFO] surfrock66: nope
2011-07-15 09:46:18 [INFO] surfrock66: the work is good
2011-07-15 09:46:24 [INFO] surfrock66: it's good honest work
2011-07-15 09:46:28 [INFO] surfrock66: see I'm a farmer now
2011-07-15 09:46:32 [INFO] gold: hahah
2011-07-15 09:46:38 [INFO] surfrock66: yup
2011-07-15 09:46:49 [INFO] surfrock66: I drink moonshine and don't want my daughter to marry a colored person
2011-07-15 09:46:51 [INFO] surfrock66: see?
2011-07-15 09:46:59 [INFO] gold: ahahahah
2011-07-15 09:47:23 [INFO] gold: but farmer
2011-07-15 09:47:37 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] MrGoldstar1: /nick surf SurfrockTheFarmer
2011-07-15 09:47:47 [INFO] gold: what happened to your wheat farm?
2011-07-15 09:48:03 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: mobs trample the wheat so I only plant it when I plan to harvest it
2011-07-15 09:48:11 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: wait
2011-07-15 09:48:12 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: no
2011-07-15 09:48:17 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] MrGoldstar1: /kick surf
2011-07-15 09:48:17 [INFO] [German] SurfrockTheFarmer has left the channel
2011-07-15 09:48:22 [INFO] surfrock66 logged in with entity id 660536 at ([world] 311.5, 49.0, -200.5)
2011-07-15 09:48:28 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: ?
2011-07-15 09:48:30 [INFO] gold: i hate the white colour :D
2011-07-15 09:48:32 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: haha
2011-07-15 09:48:53 [INFO] gold: how can they trample it
2011-07-15 09:48:55 [INFO] gold: ?
2011-07-15 09:48:57 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: mobs dunn trampel'd muh wheet, ain't not wurth plantin 'cept when ah plan to farm it
2011-07-15 09:49:12 [INFO] gold: ahahahahahha
2011-07-15 09:49:13 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: as the lord 'ntended
2011-07-15 09:49:59 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: ::spits::
2011-07-15 09:50:42 [INFO] TehGreatLorenzo has logged in for the first time.
2011-07-15 09:50:42 [INFO] TehGreatLorenzo [/] logged in with entity id 670811 at ([world] 19983.5, 65.62000000476837, -1.5)
2011-07-15 09:50:49 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: first dey be letten dem foreign nazis on dis server...
2011-07-15 09:50:51 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] MrGoldstar1: /tp surf
2011-07-15 09:50:51 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] TehGreatLorenzo: /who
2011-07-15 09:50:57 [INFO] gold: :D
2011-07-15 09:50:59 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: next think you know men'll be marryin' men
2011-07-15 09:51:04 [INFO] TehGreatLorenzo: Hello?
2011-07-15 09:51:09 [INFO] shelbie8 logged in with entity id 673189 at ([world] 19968.67527458391, 64.0, 38.50932898937773)
2011-07-15 09:51:09 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: then what's to stop a man from marryin his truck now?
2011-07-15 09:51:23 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: cats and dogs weddin', lemme tell ya now son
2011-07-15 09:51:34 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: ain't that right now.
2011-07-15 09:51:43 [INFO] SurfrockTheFarmer: ok all done, hi lorenzol

A Gentlemen’s Discussion

2011-07-09 23:35:40 [INFO] surfrock66: I...am a die hard lakers fan :(
2011-07-09 23:35:46 [INFO] SaintLandon: fuck lakers
2011-07-09 23:35:54 [INFO] SaintLandon: pacers all the way! #1 in the league!
2011-07-09 23:36:05 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] surfrock66: /kick freddiekclarke Lakers Rule!
2011-07-09 23:36:11 [INFO] freddiekclarke logged in with entity id 591465 at ([world] -704.625, 70.0, 5736.125)
2011-07-09 23:36:12 [INFO] surfrock66: serves him right
2011-07-09 23:36:15 [INFO] beerbandit1: -.- how come no one cares about the clippers
2011-07-09 23:36:19 [INFO] SaintLandon: fuck u
2011-07-09 23:36:22 [INFO] SaintLandon: ...how do u do that?
2011-07-09 23:36:23 [INFO] surfrock66: because they're the clippers.
2011-07-09 23:36:25 [INFO] surfrock66: landon you drunk?
2011-07-09 23:36:32 [INFO] Hobo: lakers are gay
2011-07-09 23:36:35 [INFO] SaintLandon: yeah. 15 and alcoholic
2011-07-09 23:36:49 [INFO] surfrock66: you're 15...are you sugar high on kool-aid?
2011-07-09 23:36:57 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] freddiekclarke: /kick surf Kobe is rapist
2011-07-09 23:37:01 [INFO] surfrock66 logged in with entity id 592869 at ([world] 351.5950280342075, 4.0, -181.25255592375777)
2011-07-09 23:37:10 [INFO] SaintLandon: true
2011-07-09 23:37:15 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] surfrock66: /kick freddiekclarke Kobe Raped the Pacers' Playoff Dreams
2011-07-09 23:37:20 [INFO] freddiekclarke logged in with entity id 593393 at ([world] -704.3702813464201, 70.0, 5739.380492137947)
2011-07-09 23:37:29 [INFO] surfrock66: this is fun
2011-07-09 23:37:52 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] freddiekclarke: /kick surf kobe raped the girl's vagina hopes
2011-07-09 23:37:59 [INFO] surfrock66 logged in with entity id 595026 at ([world] 351.72641768968685, 5.0, -179.85280895606874)
2011-07-09 23:38:09 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] surfrock66: /kick freddiekclarke it was her ass dude. Anal sex
2011-07-09 23:38:17 [INFO] freddiekclarke logged in with entity id 596275 at ([world] 2130.354478897828, 97.53584062504456, 6040.6212031221075)
2011-07-09 23:38:17 [INFO] surfrock66: omg
2011-07-09 23:38:22 [INFO] surfrock66: :D
2011-07-09 23:38:34 [INFO] surfrock66: landon and I are using /kick
2011-07-09 23:38:37 [INFO] surfrock66: in place of /msg
2011-07-09 23:38:45 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] freddiekclarke: /kick surf oh nevermind
2011-07-09 23:38:48 [INFO] surfrock66 logged in with entity id 596519 at ([world] 351.30000001192093, 5.0, -146.62681178014705)
2011-07-09 23:39:22 [INFO] surfrock66: I am all done with that game
2011-07-09 23:39:26 [INFO] SaintLandon: :D
2011-07-09 23:39:39 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] freddiekclarke: /kick surf I WIN...good game
2011-07-09 23:39:42 [INFO] surfrock66 logged in with entity id 598990 at ([world] 351.71220248359737, 4.0, -136.3948613836206)
2011-07-09 23:39:56 [INFO] SaintLandon: good sport yes?
2011-07-09 23:40:01 [INFO] surfrock66: yes.
2011-07-09 23:40:06 [INFO] surfrock66: anyone here play football?
2011-07-09 23:40:17 [INFO] surfrock66: how do you start the game?
2011-07-09 23:40:22 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] surfrock66: /kick freddiekclarke KICKOFF
2011-07-09 23:40:26 [INFO] freddiekclarke logged in with entity id 602523 at ([world] 2139.699999988079, 102.0, 6040.63041131364)
2011-07-09 23:40:29 [INFO] surfrock66: BAHAHAHHAAH
2011-07-09 23:40:42 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] freddiekclarke: /kick surf Technically...its a coin flip
2011-07-09 23:40:46 [INFO] surfrock66 logged in with entity id 605055 at ([world] 352.19718117591924, 5.0, -89.30000001192093)
2011-07-09 23:40:54 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] surfrock66: /kick fred Oh, sorry, my mistake
2011-07-09 23:40:58 [INFO] freddiekclarke logged in with entity id 606137 at ([world] 2145.416008731168, 95.0, 6040.28974245815)
2011-07-09 23:41:09 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] freddiekclarke: /kick surf u r forgiven
2011-07-09 23:41:13 [INFO] surfrock66 logged in with entity id 607315 at ([world] 352.34375, 5.0, -82.0)
2011-07-09 23:41:21 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] surfrock66: /kick fred your forgiveness is much appreciated
2011-07-09 23:41:25 [INFO] freddiekclarke logged in with entity id 608481 at ([world] -702.3927353307936, 70.0, 5739.112971237425)
2011-07-09 23:41:57 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] freddiekclarke: /kick surf nevermind. i had em
2011-07-09 23:42:01 [INFO] surfrock66 logged in with entity id 611341 at ([world] 351.28125, 5.0, -73.96875)
2011-07-09 23:42:10 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] surfrock66: /msg fred this will be the best log snippet ever
2011-07-09 23:42:20 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] surfrock66: /warp surf1
2011-07-09 23:42:26 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] freddiekclarke: /r hahaaha does it say the reason on the logs?
2011-07-09 23:42:32 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] surfrock66: /r yes
2011-07-09 23:42:38 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] freddiekclarke: /r haha good

Desert weather

I think notch has made some weather mistakes in the desert...