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Castle Estel

For some time now our member lvdarkwolf has been making an epic castle, its being constructed stone by stone with inspiration from the original Castle Estel created by Revolve.
She feels its time to show it off to the rest of the world.


Click read more, for more pictures, Its best to view the video in a new window. "Watch on Youtube"
Images and video captured by cncr04s.

    4 Responses to “Castle Estel”

  1. surfrock66 Says:



  2. Landon Flaniken Says:

    HA i remember when we thought surf rock’s constructions or good… :P

  3. poetzy Says:

    ya we all need to step up our game now. :/

  4. Leafett Says:

    Then central tower exterior is done, but im pessimistic about the look of the top portion, please check it and let me know if you get time.

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