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Capturing a Piglin Brute

I have been doing some WILD stuff lately, but the thing that has always bothered me is that, as an owner/op...I could do any of this in creative, or with commands. THAT ISN'T FAIR. So, I've been filming the things I've been doing as PROOF that it was done in a way that could be done by anyone in vanilla.

I recently got a brand new computer (I've been playing on a computer I bought in 2010 lol) so now I can film better; I also switched from optifine to optifabric, so I have replaymod now for cooler videos. EXPECT MORE VIDEOS AND SOME PRODUCTION TO THEM.

That being said, this is not one of those well-produced videos...this is a raw recording of Lucas and I capturing a Piglin Brute. I didn't even think to put my brightness up lol. The NGC (Nether Gateway Command) is our nether gateway at spawn, and I want agents operating the facility (like SGC agents in Stargate). A piglin brute, being EXTREMELY rare and not respawnable without commands, seems like a terrible waste to kill. We found a bastion and tunneled to it, and then decided to bring back a brute (and maybe more) to operate the NGC. I almost screwed up massively and brought our friend through to the overworld...where he would have zombified and been a total waste. But for now, we went to the bastion, got him in a boat, made our pathway, then had him chase me back to spawn.

You'll see some of the...challenges...playing with a 6 year old in this video (and I used an admin command to get him his stuff back when he died :/ ) but the video is a showcase to prove I GOT BRUTUS BACK TO SPAWN WITHOUT DYING AND WITHOUT CHEATS. Enjoy!

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