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Backing up on mac

Ok, for those of you EVIL BASTARDS... who are using macs to play minecraft and don't know how to back up the 1.73 file, I may have the answer. Bare in mind, though, this may only work Snow Leopard and you have to make sure that you haven't updated to 1.8 yet. This might work on Lion but I don't have Lion so I can't test it. Here are the steps

1) Go into Finder

2) In the left column, click the button under "Desktop". This button should be what you named your computer when you first got it

3) Open the "Library" folder

4) Open the "Application support" folder

5) Copy the "minecraft" folder

6) Paste the "minecraft" folder on your desktop

Now feel free to update your client and, when you want to switch back to 1.7 either to get on the server or just to remind your self of the days when cows didn't run away when you hit them with a sword, just go through steps 1 through 4 and replace the 1.8 folder with 1.7.