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Avoid Morate at all costs!

Morate seems to have been infected with the zombie virus! I'm working on a cure, but it won't be ready until after Halloween. In the meantime, avoid contact with Morate as HE IS HOSTILE. Fortunately, he's not interested in your items, just your brains...

I've found a note from Morate in his house on Skyville. It says:

To my fellow gamers:

Something is overpowering me. I can't fight it much longer. If I don't make it out alive, please know that all of you meant a lot to me. Also, Kirby, there's something you should know. Last week when there was a creeper that had you trapped in your house for 2 hours... that was just me in a creeper suit. And potpourri, I used your toothbrush. To everyone else, I've always wanted to say