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Just dropping in.

What up party ppl?


Hi Everyone,


We recently updated a few server listings, and it's already drawing new traffic.  PLEASE vote daily at the URLs below so we can keep growing as the awesome community we are!


New members, please register for the site with your Minecraft username and primary email address.  This helps us stay up to date on who is active and how long they've been around, which affects status as far as potential admin promotions go, and is an easy way for all of us to get the newest news about everything going on with the server and it's members.










Admin and old school player SOS!!!

Hey everyone,


Our traffic has been back to lagging again as of late, and I'm really looking to up the traffic. To do this, I need to be able to update our server listings for the first time in years.  This means that we need more admin coverage around the clock to follow new players and make sure they're ok.  The only other options are to be alright with when we find a griefing incident, using /give and helping players re-build anything they lost, or rollback to a recent backup where people could lose the work they had done in that time frame.  These were our options for the first year or 2 of the server, so I personally have not problem with that, and I know that there are other newly again active owners and admins that are fine with them.  BUT, the more old school players we can get around the clock, the more we can prevent that from having to be an option.  Summation:  Everyone that can, hop on any time you have the time.  Let's get this server staffed so we can get big again, and have the kind of large but tight community we used to.

Thanks for reading... if you did.




Group End conquering event!

Date:  November 7th

Time:  4:00PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)

As some of you are aware, loganwerty545 and rheindel found the End portal on the new map.  They would like as many of us as possible to venture in together, explore, and kill that motherfucking dragon!  Thus, the date and time above (adjust for your own time zone) we are getting as many people together as we can to fuck this shit up.  If you plan on being present for it, please reply in the comments.  any comments, question or concerns can be addressed to me, IMGArY or to loganwerty545 or rheindel.

Hi Everyone!

Hey Guys,

Decided to hop on for the first time in damn near ever lol.  I know I've said this many times before, but I think I'm going to get more involved again.  Not really planning on any server level stuff anytime soon because I want to make sure I don't flake out again first.  I just wanted to shout out to everyone.  Hopefully I'll see you there!